Osvaldo Morera
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Cited by
Coefficient α as a measure of test score reliability: Review of 3 popular misconceptions
OF Morera, SM Stokes
American journal of public health 106 (3), 458-461, 2016
The measure of stage of readiness to change: Some psychometric considerations.
OF Morera, TP Johnson, S Freels, J Parsons, KS Crittenden, BR Flay, ...
Psychological assessment 10 (2), 182, 1998
Does body dissatisfaction predict mental health outcomes in a sample of predominantly Hispanic college students?
PA Ganem, H de Heer, OF Morera
Personality and Individual Differences 46 (4), 557-561, 2009
Undergraduate research participation is associated with improved student outcomes at a Hispanic-serving institution
TW Collins, SE Grineski, J Shenberger, X Morales, OF Morera, ...
Journal of college student development 58 (4), 583-600, 2017
Effectiveness and spillover of an after-school health promotion program for Hispanic elementary school children
HD De Heer, L Koehly, R Pederson, O Morera
American Journal of Public Health 101 (10), 1907-1913, 2011
Factors influencing student gains from undergraduate research experiences at a Hispanic-serving institution
H Daniels, SE Grineski, TW Collins, DX Morales, O Morera, L Echegoyen
CBE—Life Sciences Education 15 (3), ar30, 2016
A confirmatory factor analysis of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG) measure
CJ Stoever, OF Morera
Journal of homosexuality 52 (3-4), 189-209, 2007
Reliability and validity of the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI) and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2) in hispanic and non-hispanic white …
SE Culhane, OF Morera
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 32 (4), 586-606, 2010
Social problem solving predicts decision making styles among US Hispanics
OF Morera, A Maydeu-Olivares, TE Nygren, RJ White, NP Fernandez, ...
Personality and individual differences 41 (2), 307-317, 2006
Assessing the reliability and validity of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire among US Anglo and US Hispanic samples
OF Morera, SE Culhane, PJ Watson, MC Skewes
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 58 (3), 289-298, 2005
Research methods: The construct validity of self-identity and its psychological implications.
JS Tanaka, A Ebreo, N Linn, OF Morera
Sage Publications, Inc, 1998
A psychometric analysis of the “divide and conquer” principle in multicriteria decision making
OF Morera, DV Budescu
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 75 (3), 187-206, 1998
Disparate WTA–WTP disparities: the influence of human versus natural causes
ME Walker, OF Morera, J Vining, B Orland
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 12 (3), 219-232, 1999
The factor structure of the need for cognition short form in a Hispanic sample
SE Culhane, OF Morera, HM Hosch
The Journal of Psychology 138 (1), 77-90, 2004
Changes in self-efficacy and readiness for smoking cessation among women with high school or less education
RB Warnecke, O Morera, L Turner, R Mermelstein, TP Johnson, J Parsons, ...
Journal of health and social behavior, 97-110, 2001
Barriers to care and comorbidities along the US-Mexico border
HD De Heer, HG Balcázar, OF Morera, L Lapeyrouse, JMC Heyman, ...
Public Health Reports 128 (6), 480-488, 2013
The spanish version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS): Measurement invariance and psychometric properties
CJ Johnson, JS Wiebe, OF Morera
Mindfulness 5, 552-565, 2014
A profile of US-Mexico border mobility among a stratified random sample of Hispanics living in the El Paso-Juarez area
LM Lapeyrouse, O Morera, JMC Heyman, MA Amaya, NE Pingitore, ...
Journal of immigrant and minority health 14, 264-271, 2012
Random error reduction in analytic hierarchies: A comparison of holistic and decompositional decision strategies
OF Morera, DV Budescu
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 14 (3), 223-242, 2001
Important considerations in conducting statistical mediation analyses
OF Morera, FG Castro
American Journal of Public Health 103 (3), 394-396, 2013
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Articles 1–20