Murzidah Ahmad Murad
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of social media marketing on sales performance of small online business
A Sufian, CS Min, MA Murad, NA Aziz
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (3), 922-940, 2020
Exploring the cultural determinants of entrepreneurial success: The case of Malaysia
SWM Yusof, J Jabar, MA Murad, RT Ortega
International journal of advanced and applied sciences 4 (12), 287-297, 2017
The importance of technology diffusion in Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs
MA Murad, JD Thomson
3rd International Conference on Information and Financial Engineering 12, 81, 2011
Sustainable manufacturing drivers and firm performance: Moderating effect of firm size
M Roni, J Jabar, MR Muhamad, M Murad
Int. J. Adv. Appl. Sci 4 (12), 243-249, 2017
External environment factors influencing the technology adoption-diffusion decision in Malaysian manufacturing small medium enterprises (SMEs)
MA Murad, JD Thomson
Progress in Business Innovation & Technology Management 1 (1), 13-22, 2011
The effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in online advertisement towards consumer purchase intention
A Sufian, M Sedek, HT Lim, MA Murad, J Jabar, A Khalid
Revista Geintec-Gestao Inovacao E Tecnologias 11 (3), 1520-1538, 2021
Investigating factors influencing consumer adoption of nanofood towards purchase intention
MA Hasim, J Jabar, MA Murad
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 28 (15), 133-139, 2019
A preliminary research on consumer acceptance in nanofood towards purchase intention: A pilot research
MA Hasim, J Jabar, AM Murad
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2S3), 352-356, 2019
Food intake in Malaysian culture and society: Focus on the younger generation
CWJ Radzi, MH Abdul Murad, O Bakar
University of Malaya Repository, 2010
Organizational readiness for advanced manufacturing technology implementation by Malaysian manufacturing SMEs
MA Murad, HS Ithnin, J Jabar, SWM Yusof
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 4 (12), 250-256, 2017
Factors influencing safety management systems in petrochemical processing plants
NA Othman, J Jabar, MA Murad, MF Kamarudin
Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT) 2 (2), 2014
Adoption attitude towards the usage of pusher box technology in the rubber industry
J Jabar, MHA Karim, SWM Yusof, MA Murad, FA Khalid
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 4 (4), 2017
An Exploratory Factor Analysis on Adoption Factors of P3 Sweetener
MA Hasim, J Jabar, MA Murad, NN Ali
Test Engineering and Management 82, 9647-9654, 2020
The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management in the Relationship between IT Capabilities and Innovation Capabilities
TM Al Teneiji, A Ahamat, MA Murad, HAA Raheem
Specialusis Ugdymas 1 (43), 2734-2751, 2022
The association of knowledge, trust, motivation, and perceived benefit with purchase behaviour: A case of p3 sweetener
MA Hasim, J Jabar, MA Murad, N Fauziana
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6s), 2877-2884, 2020
Factors That Affect the Green Technology Awareness in Melaka
NN Ali, MA Murad, J Jabar
International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction (IJHaTI) 3 (2), 75-80, 2019
Industrial manufacturing technology diffusion of Malaysian manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
MA Murad
RMIT University, 2016
The determinants of self-employment intention among public universities students towards sustaining financial capacity
SN Yahaya, MH Bakar, MA Murad, L Kelson, AW Ghazali
Multidisciplinary Science Journal 7 (4), 2025184-2025184, 2025
The effect of information technology on supply chain capabilities within Abu Dhabi monitoring and control center in UAE: A review
SK Alnuaimi, MA Murad, SA Husseini
Journal of Positive School Psychology 6 (3), 4757–4763-4757–4763, 2022
Retracted: Profiling the promotion of green technology in industry through GTFs
O Adebiyi, N Mohamad, MA Murad, MIM Hafiz, MD Cruz
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 10 (6S), 2572-2581, 2018
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Articles 1–20