The progressive development of environmental education in Sweden and Denmark S Breiting, P Wickenberg Environmental Education Research 16 (1), 9-37, 2010 | 185 | 2010 |
Professional norms in school leadership: Change efforts in implementation of education for sustainable development U Leo, P Wickenberg Journal of Educational Change 14, 403-422, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Normstödjande strukturer: miljötematiken börjar slå rot i skolan P Wickenberg Lund Studies in Sociology of Law, 1999 | 115 | 1999 |
Why and how do universities work for sustainability in higher education (HE)? H Axelsson, K Sonesson, P Wickenberg International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 9 (4), 469-478, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
Child rights, classroom and school management: A systematic literature review R Urinboyev, P Wickenberg, U Leo The International Journal of Children's Rights 24 (3), 522-547, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Learning to change our world? Swedish research on education & sustainable development P Wickenberg Studentlitteratur AB, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Norm Supporting Structures in Environmental Education and Education forSustainable Development P Wickenberg Learning to Change Our World-Reflect-Rethink-Reform, 103-130, 2004 | 35 | 2004 |
Gender and water from a human rights perspective: The role of context in translating international norms into local action N Singh, K Åström, H Hydén, P Wickenberg Rural Society 18 (3), 185-193, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
Sweden:: Setting the Pace with Pioneer Municipalities and Schools K Eckerberg, B Forsberg, P Wickenberg From the Earth Summit to Local Agenda 21, 45-75, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Contributions in Sociology of Law. Remarks from a Swedish Horizon. H Hydén, P Wickenberg Sociology of Law, Lund University, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Norm supporting actors and structures at the very local level of implementation in higher education in Sweden P Wickenberg Drivers and barriers for implementing sustainable development in higher …, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Greening education in Europe P Wickenberg Research report on environmental education, learning for sustainable …, 2000 | 16 | 2000 |
Under one umbrella: Professional norms promoting education for sustainable development at the school level U Leo, P Wickenberg Schools for health and sustainability: Theory, research and practice, 61-79, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Miljö och hållbar utveckling-samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv från en lundahorisont P Wickenberg, A Nilsson, M Steneroth Sillén Studentlitteratur AB, 2004 | 15 | 2004 |
Taking Child Rights Seriously: Reflections on five years of an International Training Programme P Wickenberg, AW Flinck, U Leo, B Rasmusson, R Stenelo, B Yebio Lund University, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
På goda grunder. Inspirationsbok om miljö för lärare och andra framtidsarbetare B Jönsson, P Wickenberg Liber, 1994 | 11 | 1994 |
Normstödjande strukturer: Miljötematiken börjar slå rot i skolan [Norm Supporting Structures: The Environmental Theme Begins to Take Root in Schools]. P Wickenberg PhD diss., Lund University, 1999 | 10 | 1999 |
Realising Child Rights in Education: Experiences and Reflections from the International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management B Rasmusson, L Andersson, AW Flinck, U Leo, P Wickenberg Lund University, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
‘Souls of Fire', Change Agents and Social Norms P Wickenberg Social and Legal Norms, 209-228, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Ett steg fram och ett tillbaka... Statens styrning av miljö och hållbar utveckling genom skollag, läroplaner och kursplaner P Wickenberg, U Leo Sociology of Law, Lund University, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |