Takwanisa Machemedze
Takwanisa Machemedze
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Longitudinal changes in spirometry in South African adolescents perinatally infected with human immunodeficiency virus who are receiving antiretroviral therapy
LN Githinji, DM Gray, S Hlengwa, L Myer, T Machemedze, HJ Zar
Clinical Infectious Diseases 70 (3), 483-490, 2020
Prevalence of risk factors for chronic kidney disease in South African youth with perinatally acquired HIV
L Frigati, S Mahtab, P Nourse, P Ray, S Perrazzo, T Machemedze, ...
Pediatric Nephrology 34, 313-318, 2019
High‐resolution computed tomography features of lung disease in perinatally HIV‐infected adolescents on combined antiretroviral therapy
AM du Plessis, S Andronikou, T Machemedze, S Griffith‐Richards, L Myer, ...
Pediatric pulmonology 54 (11), 1765-1773, 2019
Old age mortality in South Africa
T Machemedze
Recalibrating the OHSs to adjust for sampling changes
T Machemedze, A Kerr, M Wittenberg
A DataFirst Technical Paper, 2014
Understanding the WIID and WIID Companion: the case of South Africa, Ghana, and Kenya
T Machemedze, M Wittenberg
Unpublished paper, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2023
Prevalence and predictors of bone health among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents
S Mahtab, C Scott, NAA Asafu-Agyei, T Machemedze, L Frigati, L Myer, ...
AIDS 34 (14), 2061-2070, 2020
Longitudinal changes in Spirometry in perinatally HIV-infected South African adolescents on antiretroviral therapy
LN Githinji, DM Gray, S Hlengwa, T Machemedze, HJ Zar
Clin Infect Dis 4 (2), 2019
Psychology in the 2011 South African census
J Louw, T Machemedze
South African Journal of Psychology 45 (2), 223-233, 2015
Throwing light on rural development: using nightlight data to map rural electrification in South Africa
T Machmedze, T Dinkelman, M Collinson, W Twine, M Wittenberg
A DataFirst Technical Paper, 2017
Levels of mortality of the South African aged population using the method of extinct generations
T Machemedze, R Dorrington
African Population Studies 25 (1), 2011
Climate change‐related shocks, assets and welfare outcomes in South Africa
FA Diaz Pabon, M Shifa, V Ranchhod, T Machemedze
South African Journal of Economics 92 (1), 93-104, 2024
Does self-perceived HIV risk mediate the potential association between HIV-related symbolic stigma and sexual behaviour among young adult women in Cape Town, South Africa?
T Machemedze
BMC Public Health 23 (1), 188, 2023
WIDER Working Paper 2020/67-South African population projection and household survey sample weight recalibration
T Machemedze, A Kerr, R Dorrington
UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development …, 2020
South African population projection and household survey sample weight recalibration
T Machemedze, A Kerr, R Dorrington
WIDER Working Paper, 2020
Longitudinal changes in spirometry in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Cape Town, South Africa
L Githinji, D Gray, S Hlengwa, T Machemedze, L Myer, HJ Zar
European Respiratory Journal 52 (suppl 62), 2018
What luminosity data can and cannot reveal about South Africa's urban economies
T Machemedze
Economic Research Southern Africa, 2023
Measuring rural households and electricity access: A comparison of national census data and small-area health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) data
T Machemedze, M Shoko, M Collinson, M Wittenberg
In Vitro Activities of Ceftaroline/Avibactam, Ceftazidime/Avibactam, and Other Comparators Against Pathogens From Various Complicated Infections in China (vol 67, pg S206, 2018)
LN Githinji, DM Gray, S Hlengwa, L Myer, T Machemedze, HJ Zar
CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 71 (4), 1132-1132, 2020
An error appeared in the 1 December 2018 supplement issue of the journal [Zhou M, Cheng J, Liu Y, et al. In Vitro Activities of Ceftaroline/Avibactam, Ceftazidime/Avibactam …
LN Githinji, DM Gray, S Hlengwa, L Myer, T Machemedze, HJ Zar
Clinical Infectious Diseases 71 (4), 1132, 2020
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Articles 1–20