Dave DeMaster
Cited by
Cited by
The silica balance in the world ocean: a reestimate
P Treguer, DM Nelson, AJ Van Bennekom, DJ DeMaster, A Leynaert, ...
Science 268 (5209), 375-379, 1995
The supply and accumulation of silica in the marine environment
DJ DeMaster
Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 45 (10), 1715-1732, 1981
A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean: recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproductivity proxy
O Ragueneau, P Tréguer, A Leynaert, RF Anderson, MA Brzezinski, ...
Global and Planetary Change 26 (4), 317-365, 2000
Sedimentary features of the Yangtze River-derived along-shelf clinoform deposit in the East China Sea
JP Liu, AC Li, KH Xu, DM Velozzi, ZS Yang, JD Milliman, DJ DeMaster
Continental Shelf Research 26 (17-18), 2141-2156, 2006
Sediment accumulation in a modern epicontinental-shelf setting: the Yellow Sea
CR Alexander, DJ DeMaster, CA Nittrouer
Marine Geology 98 (1), 51-72, 1991
Rates of sediment accumulation and particle reworking based on radiochemical measurements from continental shelf deposits in the East China Sea
DJ DeMaster, BA McKee, CA Nittrouer, Q Jiangchu, C Guodong
Continental Shelf Research 4 (1-2), 143-158, 1985
Nature of sediment accumulation on the Amazon continental shelf
SA Kuehl, DJ DeMaster, CA Nittrouer
Continental Shelf Research 6 (1-2), 209-225, 1986
Rapid subduction of organic matter by maldanid polychaetes on the North Carolina slope
L Levin, N Blair, D DeMaster, G Plaia, W Fornes, C Martin, C Thomas
The deltaic nature of Amazon shelf sedimentation
CA Nittrouer, SA Kuehl, DJ DeMaster, RO Kowsmann
Geological Society of America Bulletin 97 (4), 444-458, 1986
The effect of sediment mixing on Pb-210 accumulation rates for the Washington continental shelf
CA Nittrouer, DJ DeMaster, BA McKee, NH Cutshall, IL Larsen
Marine Geology 54 (3-4), 201-221, 1984
The accumulation and cycling of biogenic silica in the Southern Ocean: revisiting the marine silica budget
DJ DeMaster
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (16), 3155-3167, 2002
Phytodetritus at the abyssal seafloor across 10 of latitude in the central equatorial Pacific
CR Smith, DJ Hoover, SE Doan, RH Pope, DJ Demaster, FC Dobbs, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 43 (4-6), 1309-1338, 1996
Phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the Amazon River plume: correlation with seasonal river discharge
WO Smith Jr, DJ Demaster
Continental Shelf Research 16 (3), 291-319, 1996
The Amazon shelf setting: tropical, energetic, and influenced by a large river
CA Nittrouer, DJ DeMaster
Continental shelf research 16 (5-6), 553-573, 1996
Cycling of organic carbon and biogenic silica in the Southern Ocean: Estimates of water‐column and sedimentary fluxes on the Ross Sea continental shelf
DM Nelson, DJ DeMaster, RB Dunbar, WO Smith Jr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C8), 18519-18532, 1996
Concepts of sediment deposition and accumulation applied to the continental shelf near the mouth of the Yangtze River
BA McKee, CA Nittrouer, DJ DeMaster
Geology 11 (11), 631-633, 1983
A synthesis of bentho-pelagic coupling on the Antarctic shelf: food banks, ecosystem inertia and global climate change
CR Smith, S Mincks, DJ DeMaster
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (8-10), 875-894, 2006
Persistence of labile organic matter and microbial biomass in Antarctic shelf sediments: evidence of a sediment ‘food bank’
SL Mincks, CR Smith, DJ DeMaster
Marine Ecology Progress Series 300, 3-19, 2005
Latitudinal variations in benthic processes in the abyssal equatorial Pacific: control by biogenic particle flux
CR Smith, W Berelson, DJ Demaster, FC Dobbs, D Hammond, DJ Hoover, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 44 (9-10), 2295-2317, 1997
Particle mixing rates in deep-sea sediments determined from excess 210Pb and 32Si profiles
DJ DeMaster, JK Cochran
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 61 (2), 257-271, 1982
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Articles 1–20