cullis, b.r.
cullis, b.r.
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ASReml user guide release 3.0
AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, BR Cullis, R Thompson, D Butler, M Cherry, ...
VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 2009
Average information REML: an efficient algorithm for variance parameter estimation in linear mixed models
AR Gilmour, R Thompson, BR Cullis
Biometrics, 1440-1450, 1995
Asreml Reference Manual, NSW Agriculture Biometric Bulletin no. 3
AR Gilmour, BR Cullis, SJ Welham, R Thompson
NSW Agriculture, Orange, Australia, 1999
AS-REML reference manual (version July 4, 2002)
AR Gilmour, BR Cullis, SJ Welham, R Thompson
NSW Agriculture, ORANGE 2800, 2002
ASREML reference manual
AR Gilmore, BR Cullis, SJ Welham, R Thompson
NSW Agriculture, Orange 2800, 2001
ASReml User Guide Reference 2.0
AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, BR Cullis, R Thompson
VSN International Ltd, 2006
Accounting for natural and extraneous variation in the analysis of field experiments
AR Gilmour, BR Cullis, AP Verbyla
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 269-293, 1997
On the design of early generation variety trials with correlated data
BR Cullis, AB Smith, NE Coombes
Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics 11 (4 …, 2006
ASReml-R reference manual
D Butler, BR Cullis, AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel
Brisbane: Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 2007
The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines
AP Verbyla, BR Cullis, MG Kenward, SJ Welham
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 48 …, 2002
The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines
AP Vebyla, BR Cullis, MG Kenward, SJ Welham
Applied Statistics 48, 269-311, 1999
ASReml User
AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, BR Cullis, R Thompson
Guide release 2, 2006
ASReml-R reference manual version 4
DG Butler, BR Cullis, AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, R Thompson
VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1ES, UK, 2017
The analysis of crop cultivar breeding and evaluation trials: an overview of current mixed model approaches
AB Smith, BR Cullis, R Thompson
The Journal of Agricultural Science 143 (6), 449-462, 2005
VSN International Ltd
AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, BR Cullis, R Thompson
Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1ES, UK, 2002
ASReml User Guide. Release 3.0. VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1ES, UK
AR Gilmour, BJ Gogel, BR Cullis, R Thompson
the text, 2006
Analyzing variety by environment data using multiplicative mixed models and adjustments for spatial field trend
A Smith, B Cullis, R Thompson
Biometrics 57 (4), 1138-1147, 2004
Spatial analysis of field experiments-an extension to two dimensions
BR Cullis, AC Gleeson
Biometrics, 1449-1460, 1991
On spatial prediction of soil properties in the presence of a spatial trend: the empirical best linear unbiased predictor (E‐BLUP) with REML
RM Lark, BR Cullis, SJ Welham
European Journal of Soil Science 57 (6), 787-799, 2005
Residual maximum likelihood (REML) estimation of a neighbour model for field experiments
AC Gleeson, BR Cullis
Biometrics, 277-287, 1987
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