Catriona J. MacLeod
Catriona J. MacLeod
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SIMR: an R package for power analysis of generalized linear mixed models by simulation
P Green, CJ MacLeod
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7, 493–498, 2016
Intensification and diversification of New Zealand agriculture since 1960: An evaluation of current indicators of land use change
CJ MacLeod, H Moller
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 115 (1-4), 201-218, 2006
When experts disagree: the need to rethink indicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture
EM de Olde, H Moller, F Marchand, RW McDowell, CJ MacLeod, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2016
Parasites lost–do invaders miss the boat or drown on arrival?
CJ MacLeod, AM Paterson, DM Tompkins, RP Duncan
Ecology Letters 13 (4), 516-527, 2010
Intensification of New Zealand agriculture: implications for biodiversity
H Moller, CJ MacLeod, J Haggerty, C Rosin, G Blackwell, C Perley, ...
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 51 (3), 253-263, 2008
Social media as a platform for a citizen science community of practice
A Liberatore, E Bowkett, CJ MacLeod, E Spurr, N Longnecker
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 3 (1), 3-3, 2018
The forgotten 60%: bird ecology and management in New Zealand’s agricultural landscape.
CJ MacLeod, G Blackwell, H Moller, J Innes, R Powlesland
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 32 (2), 240-255, 2008
Establishing accurate baseline estimates of breeding populations of a burrowing seabird, the grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) in New Zealand
AL Whitehead, POB Lyver, CJ Jones, PJ Bellingham, CJ MacLeod, ...
Biological Conservation 169, 109-116, 2014
Enhanced niche opportunities: can they explain the success of New Zealand's introduced bird species?
CJ MacLeod, SE Newson, G Blackwell, RP Duncan
Diversity and Distributions 15 (1), 41-49, 2009
Summer-time use of west coast US National Marine Sanctuaries by migrating sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus)
J Adams, C MacLeod, RM Suryan, KD Hyrenbach KD, JT Harvey
Biological Conservation, 2012
Intra-seasonal variation in foraging behavior among Adélie penguins (Pygocelis adeliae) breeding at Cape Hallett, Ross Sea, Antarctica
POB Lyver, CJ MacLeod, G Ballard, BJ Karl, KJ Barton, J Adams, ...
Polar biology 34, 49-67, 2011
Monitoring widespread and common bird species on New Zealand’s conservation lands: a pilot study
CJ MacLeod, TC Greene, DI MacKenzie, RB Allen
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36 (3), 300-311, 2012
At-sea distribution of satellite-tracked grey-faced petrels, Pterodroma macroptera gouldi, captured on the Ruamaahua (Aldermen) Islands, New Zealand
CJ Macleod, J Adams, P Lyver
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 142 (1), 73-88, 2008
Enhancing awareness and adoption of cultural values through use of Māori bird names in science communication and environmental reporting
PM Wehi, L Carter, TW Harawira, G Fitzgerald, K Lloyd, H Whaanga, ...
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3), 1-9, 2019
Package ‘simr’
P Green, CJ MacLeod, P Alday
Computer software]. https://cran. r-project. org/web/packages/simr/index. html, 2016
Reduced pesticide toxicity and increased woody vegetation cover account for enhanced native bird densities in organic orchards
CJ MacLeod, G Blackwell, J Benge
Journal of Applied Ecology 49, 652-660, 2012
Implementing integrated measurements of Essential Biodiversity Variables at a national scale
PJ Bellingham, SJ Richardson, AM Gormley, RB Allen, A Cook, PN Crisp, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1 (2), e12025, 2020
Designing an inventory and monitoring programme for the Department of Conservation’s Natural Heritage Management System
RB Allen, EF Wright, CJ MacLeod, PJ Bellingham, DM Forsyth, ...
Landcare Research Contract Report LC0809/153Prepared for the Department of …, 2009
The New Zealand sustainability dashboard: unified monitoring and learning for sustainable agriculture in New Zealand
J Manhire, H Moller, A Barber, CM Saunders, C MacLeod, C Rosin, ...
Agriculture Research Group on Sustainability, 2012
Mechanisms for enhancing public engagement with citizen science results
CJ MacLeod, K Scott
People and Nature 3 (1), 32-50, 2021
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Articles 1–20