Ly Thi Tran
Cited by
Cited by
Mobility as ‘becoming’: A Bourdieuian analysis of the factors shaping international student mobility
LT Tran
British Journal of Sociology of Education 37 (8), 1268-1289, 2016
‘Agency in mobility’: Towards a conceptualisation of international student agency in transnational mobility
LT Tran, TTP Vu
Educational Review 70 (2), 167-187, 2018
Higher education in Vietnam: Flexibility, mobility and practicality in the global knowledge economy
L Tran, S Marginson, H Do, T Le, N Nguyen, T Vu, T Pham
Springer, 2016
Committed, face‐value, hybrid or mutual adaptation? The experiences of international students in Australian higher education
LT Tran
Educational Review 63 (1), 79-94, 2011
International students in transnational mobility: Intercultural connectedness with domestic and international peers, institutions and the wider community
LT Tran, L Pham
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 46 (4), 560-581, 2016
Learners' motivation and identity in the Vietnamese EFL writing classroom.
LT Tran
English teaching: practice and critique 6 (1), 151-163, 2007
Internationalisation of Vietnamese higher education: An overview
LT Tran, S Marginson
Internationalisation in Vietnamese higher education, 1-16, 2018
International students in Australia: Read ten thousand volumes of books and walk ten thousand miles
S Arkoudis, LT Tran
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 27 (2), 157-169, 2007
Writing blah, blah, blah: Lecturers’ approaches and challenges in supporting international students
S Arkoudis, L Tran
Deakin University, 2010
Precarity, fear and hope: Reflecting and imagining in higher education during a global pandemic
W Green, V Anderson, K Tait, LT Tran
Higher Education Research & Development 39 (7), 1309-1312, 2020
Understanding the symbolic capital of intercultural interactions: A case study of international students in Australia
L Pham, L Tran
International Studies in Sociology of Education 25 (3), 204-224, 2015
Inequalities and agencies in workplace learning experiences: international student perspectives
T Wall, LT Tran, S Soejatminah
Vocations and Learning 10, 141-156, 2017
Looking inward or outward? Vietnam higher education at the superhighway of globalization: Culture, values and changes
N Nguyen, LT Tran
Journal of Asian Public Policy 11 (1), 28-45, 2018
Teaching international students in vocational education: New pedagogical approaches
LT Tran
ACER Press, 2013
Being and becoming an intercultural doctoral student: Reflective autobiographical narratives
H Soong, L Thi Tran, P Hoa Hiep
Reflective Practice 16 (4), 435-448, 2015
Students' intercultural development through language learning in Vietnamese tertiary education: A case study on the use of film as an innovative approach
LB Truong, LT Tran
Language and Intercultural Communication 14 (2), 207-225, 2014
Internationalisation of vocational education and training: An adapting curve for teachers and learners
LT Tran
Journal of Studies in International Education 17 (4), 492-507, 2013
Post-study work for international graduates in Australia: opportunity to enhance employability, get a return on investment or secure migration?
LT Tran, M Rahimi, G Tan, XT Dang, N Le
Globalisation, Societies and Education 18 (5), 495-510, 2020
Internationalisation of higher education in Vietnam through English Medium Instruction (EMI): Practices, tensions and implications for local language policies
LT Tran, HT Nguyen
Multilingual education yearbook 2018: Internationalization, stakeholders …, 2018
Re-imagining teachers’ identity and professionalism under the condition of international education
LT Tran, NT Nguyen
Teachers and Teaching 21 (8), 958-973, 2015
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Articles 1–20