Kelly Stiver
Kelly Stiver
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Bullying: Are researchers and children/youth talking about the same thing?
T Vaillancourt, P McDougall, S Hymel, A Krygsman, J Miller, K Stiver, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 32 (6), 486-495, 2008
Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm in cichlid fishes
JL Fitzpatrick, R Montgomerie, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, N Kolm, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (4), 1128-1132, 2009
Parental and Mating Effort: Is There Necessarily a Trade‐Off? (Invited Review)
KA Stiver, SH Alonzo
Ethology 115 (12), 1101-1126, 2009
Relatedness and helping in fish: examining the theoretical predictions
KA Stiver, P Dierkes, M Taborsky, H Lisle Gibbs, S Balshine
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1572), 1593-1599, 2005
Dispersal patterns and status change in a co‐operatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural …
KA Stiver, P Dierkes, M Taborsky, S Balshine
Journal of Fish Biology 65 (1), 91-105, 2004
Sex differences in rates of territory joining and inheritance in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish
KA Stiver, J Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, S Balshine
Animal Behaviour 71 (2), 449-456, 2006
Ovarian fluid allows directional cryptic female choice despite external fertilization
SH Alonzo, KA Stiver, SE Marsh-Rollo
Nature communications 7 (1), 12452, 2016
Male reproductive suppression in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher
JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, R Montgomerie, S Balshine
Behavioral Ecology 17 (1), 25-33, 2006
Sex and status in a cooperative breeding fish: behavior and androgens
JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, JL Fitzpatrick, N Milligan, GJ Van Der Kraak, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 785-794, 2008
Differential responses to territory intrusions in cooperatively breeding fish
JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, JL Fitzpatrick, S Balshine
Animal Behaviour 75 (2), 595-604, 2008
Liver size reveals social status in the African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher
NM Sopinka, JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, KA Stiver, SE Marsh‐Rollo, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 75 (1), 1-16, 2009
Evidence for size and sex‐specific dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish
KA Stiver, JK Desjardins, JL Fitzpatrick, B Neff, JS Quinn, S Balshine
Molecular Ecology 16 (14), 2974-2984, 2007
Female-mediated causes and consequences of status change in a social fish
JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, N Milligan, KA Stiver, R Montgomerie, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1637), 929-936, 2008
Ocean acidification affects fish spawning but not paternity at CO2 seeps
M Milazzo, C Cattano, SH Alonzo, A Foggo, M Gristina, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1835), 20161021, 2016
Costs and benefits of polygyny in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher
JK Desjardins, JL Fitzpatrick, KA Stiver, GJ Van der Kraak, S Balshine
Animal Behaviour 75 (5), 1771-1779, 2008
Neural Gene Expression Profiles and Androgen Levels Underlie Alternative Reproductive Tactics in the Ocellated Wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus
KA Stiver, RM Harris, JP Townsend, HA Hofmann, SH Alonzo
Ethology 121 (2), 152-167, 2015
The role of genetic relatedness among social mates in a cooperative breeder
KA Stiver, JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, BD Neff, JS Quinn, S Balshine
Behavioral Ecology 19 (4), 816-823, 2008
Mixed parentage in Neolamprologus pulcher groups
KA Stiver, JL Fitzpatrick, JK Desjardins, S Balshine
Journal of Fish Biology 74 (5), 1129-1135, 2009
Mating systems in cooperative breeders: the roles of resource dispersion and conflict mitigation
MYL Wong, LA Jordan, S Marsh-Rollo, S St-Cyr, JO Reynolds, KA Stiver, ...
Behavioral Ecology 23 (3), 521-530, 2012
Lunar and diurnal cycles in reproductive physiology and behavior in a natural population of cooperatively breeding fish
JK Desjardins, JL Fitzpatrick, KA Stiver, GJ Van Der Kraak, S Balshine
Journal of Zoology 285 (1), 66-73, 2011
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Articles 1–20