Dino Christenson
Cited by
Cited by
Recruiting Large Online Samples in the United States and India: Facebook, Mechanical Turk, and Qualtrics
TC Boas, DP Christenson, DM Glick
Political Science Research and Methods, 1-19, 2018
Chief Justice Roberts's Health Care Decision Disrobed: The Microfoundations of the Supreme Court's Legitimacy
DP Christenson, DM Glick
American Journal of Political Science 59 (2), 403-418, 2015
Quality over Quantity: Amici Influence and Judicial Decision Making
JM Box-Steffensmeier, DP Christenson, MP Hitt
American Political Science Review 107 (03), 446-460, 2013
The Evolution and Formation of Amicus Curiae Networks
JM Box-Steffensmeier, DP Christenson
Social Networks 36, 82-96, 2014
Constitutional Qualms or Politics as Usual? The Factors Shaping Public Support for Unilateral Action
DP Christenson, DL Kriner
American Journal of Political Science 61 (2), 335-349, 2017
Mobilizing the Public against the President: Congress and the Political Costs of Unilateral Action
DP Christenson, DL Kriner
American Journal of Political Science 61 (4), 769-785, 2017
Crowdsourcing Panel Studies and Real-Time Experiments in Mechanical Turk
DP Christenson, DM Glick
The Political Methodologist 20 (2), 2013
Cue‐Taking in Congress: Interest Group Signals from Dear Colleague Letters
JM Box-Steffensmeier, DP Christenson, A Craig
American Journal of Political Science, 2018
The Myth of the Imperial Presidency: How Public Opinion Checks the Unilateral Executive
DP Christenson, DL Kriner
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Costs, Benefits, and the Malleability of Public Support for “Fracking”
DP Christenson, JL Goldfarb, DL Kriner
Energy Policy 105, 407-417, 2017
Applied Social Science Methodology: An Introductory Guide
J Gerring, D Christenson
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Changing Horses in Wartime? The 2004 Presidential Election
HF Weisberg, DP Christenson
Political Behavior 29 (2), 279-304, 2007
Reassessing the Supreme Court: How Decisions and Negativity Bias Affect Legitimacy
DP Christenson, DM Glick
Political Research Quarterly, 2018
Political Constraints on Unilateral Executive Action
D Christenson, D Kriner
Case Western Reserve Law Review 65 (4), 897-931, 2015
Does public opinion constrain presidential unilateralism?
DP Christenson, DL Kriner
American Political Science Review 113 (4), 1071-1077, 2019
Issue-Specific Opinion Change: The Supreme Court and Health Care Reform
DP Christenson, DM Glick
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (4), 881-905, 2015
Who Votes for the Future? Information, Expectations, and Endogeneity in Economic Voting
D Lacy, DP Christenson
Political Behavior 39 (2), 347-375, 2017
More bang for the buck: Campaign spending and fundraising success
C Smidt, D Christenson
American Politics Research 40 (6), 949-975, 2012
Role Analysis Using the Ego-ERGM: A Look at Environmental Interest Group Coalitions
JM Box-Steffensmeier, BW Campbell, DP Christenson, Z Navabi
Social Networks, 2017
Bad Characters or Just More Polarization? The Rise of Extremely Negative Feelings for Presidential Candidates
DP Christenson, HF Weisberg
Electoral Studies, 2019
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Articles 1–20