Jeremy Todd Brawner
Jeremy Todd Brawner
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Estimates of genetic parameters for growth and wood properties in Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. to support tree breeding in Vietnam
TD Hung, JT Brawner, R Meder, DJ Lee, S Southerton, HH Thinh, ...
Annals of Forest Science 72, 205-217, 2015
Evaluating the inheritance of Ceratocystis acaciivora symptom expression in a diverse Acacia mangium breeding population
J Brawner, Y Japarudin, M Lapammu, R Rauf, D Boden, MJ Wingfield
Southern Forests: a journal of forest science 77 (1), 83-90, 2015
Comparative performance of Corymbia hybrids and parental species in subtropical Queensland and implications for breeding and deployment
DJ Lee, JR Huth, JT Brawner, GR Dickinson
Silvae Genetica 58 (1-6), 205-212, 2009
A new breeding strategy for Pinus radiata in New Zealand and New South Wales
HS Dungey, JT Brawner, F Burger, M Carson, M Henson, P Jefferson, ...
Silvae Genetica 58 (1-6), 28-38, 2009
Eucalypts as a biofuel feedstock
M Shepherd, J Bartle, DJ Lee, J Brawner, D Bush, P Turnbull, P Macdonel, ...
Biofuels 2 (6), 639-657, 2011
Comparisons of genetic parameters and clonal value predictions from clonal trials and seedling base population trials of radiata pine
BS Baltunis, HX Wu, HS Dungey, TJT Mullin, JT Brawner
Tree genetics & genomes 5 (1), 269-278, 2009
Screening Corymbia populations for resistance to Puccinia psidii
GS Pegg, JT Brawner, DJ Lee
Plant Pathology 63 (2), 425-436, 2014
Association genetics in Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata identifies single nucleotide polymorphisms affecting wood growth and cellulosic pulp yield
SK Dillon, JT Brawner, R Meder, DJ Lee, SG Southerton
New Phytologist 195 (3), 596-608, 2012
Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria shoot blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia
JT Brawner, DJ Lee, CM Hardner, MJ Dieters
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7, 759-772, 2011
Towards the in-forest assessment of Kraft pulp yield: comparing the performance of laboratory and hand-held instruments and their value in screening breeding trials
R Meder, J Brawner, G Downes, N Ebdon
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 2011, 11-20, 2011
Clonal stability in Pinus radiata across New Zealand and Australia. I. Growth and form traits
BS Baltunis, JT Brawner
New Forests 40 (3), 305-322, 2010
Selection of Corymbia citriodora for pulp productivity
JT Brawner, R Meder, M Dieters, DJ Lee
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 74 (2), 121-131, 2012
Genetic parameters of red mahogany breeding populations grown in the tropics
JT Brawner, DJ Bush, PF Macdonell, PM Warburton, PA Clegg
Australian Forestry 73 (3), 177-183, 2010
Conservation and testing of tropical and subtropical forest tree species by the CAMCORE Cooperative.
WS Dvorak
Screening Eucalyptus cloeziana and E. argophloia Populations for Resistance to Puccinia psidii
DJ Lee, JT Brawner, GS Pegg
Plant Disease 99 (1), 71-79, 2015
Productivity of Pinus elliottii, P. caribaea and their F1 and F2 hybrids to 15 years in Queensland, Australia
M Dieters, J Brawner
Annals of Forest Science 64 (7), 691-698, 2007
Pinus oocarpa.
WS Dvorak, EA Gutiérrez, LF Osorio, GR Hodge, JT Brawner
Identifying hybridisation in Pinus species using near infrared spectroscopy of foliage
R Meder, D Kain, N Ebdon, P Macdonell, JT Brawner
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 22 (5), 337-345, 2014
Classifying genotype by environment interactions for targeted germplasm deployment with a focus on Eucalyptus
JT Brawner, DJ Lee, R Meder, AC Almeida, MJ Dieters
Euphytica 191 (3), 403-414, 2013
Growth performance of selected taxa as candidate species for productive tree plantations in Borneo
Y Japarudin, M Lapammu, A Alwi, P Warburton, P MacDonell, D Boden, ...
Australian forestry 83 (1), 29-38, 2020
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Articles 1–20