Fernando Seoane
Fernando Seoane
Full Professor/Senior Lecturer, University of Borås / Karolinska Institute
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Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges
J Munoz-Gama, N Martin, C Fernandez-Llatas, OA Johnson, M Sepúlveda, ...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 127, 103994, 2022
Wearable biomedical measurement systems for assessment of mental stress of combatants in real time
F Seoane, I Mohino-Herranz, J Ferreira, L Alvarez, R Buendia, D Ayllón, ...
Sensors 14 (4), 7120-7141, 2014
Textile electrodes for EEG recording—A pilot study
J Löfhede, F Seoane, M Thordstein
Sensors 12 (12), 16907-16919, 2012
An analog front-end enables electrical impedance spectroscopy system on-chip for biomedical applications
F Seoane, J Ferreira, JJ Sanchez, R Bragós
Physiological measurement 29 (6), S267, 2008
Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare
N Martin, J De Weerdt, C Fernández-Llatas, A Gal, R Gatta, G Ibáñez, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 109, 101962, 2020
Full Impedance Cardiography measurement device using Raspberry PI3 and System-on-Chip biomedical Instrumentation Solutions
A Hafid, S Benouar, M Kedir-Talha, F Abtahi, M Attari, F Seoane
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 12, 2017
Cole equation and parameter estimation from electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy measurements-a comparative study
D Ayllon, F Seoane, R Gil-Pita
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Assessment of mental, emotional and physical stress through analysis of physiological signals using smartphones
I Mohino-Herranz, R Gil-Pita, J Ferreira, M Rosa-Zurera, F Seoane
Sensors 15 (10), 25607-25627, 2015
AD5933-based spectrometer for electrical bioimpedance applications
J Ferreira, F Seoane, A Ansede, R Bragos
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 224 (1), 012011, 2010
A handheld and textile-enabled bioimpedance system for ubiquitous body composition analysis. An initial functional validation
J Ferreira, I Pau de la Cruz, K Lindecrantz, F Seoane
Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics, 2016
Sensorized Garments and Textrode-Enabled Measurement Instrumentation for Ambulatory Assessment of the Autonomic Nervous System Response in the ATREC Project
F Seoane, J Ferreira, L Alvarez, C Llerena, R Gil-Pita
Sensors 13 (7), 8997-9015, 2013
AD5933-based electrical bioimpedance spectrometer. Towards textile-enabled applications
J Ferreira, F Seoane, K Lindecrantz
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Current source for multifrequency broadband electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy systems. A novel approach
F Seoane, R Bragós, K Lindecrantz
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Portable bioimpedance monitor evaluation for continuous impedance measurements. Towards Wearable Plethysmography Applications
J Ferreira, F Seoane, K Lindecrantz
35st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2013
Fusion of heart rate, respiration and motion measurements from a wearable sensor system to enhance energy expenditure estimation
K Lu, L Yang, F Seoane, F Abtahi, M Forsman, K Lindecrantz
Sensors 18 (9), 3092, 2018
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring
F Seoane, K Lindecrantz
Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, 480-486, 2008
Mean Expected Error in Prediction of Total Body Water. A True Accuracy Comparison between Bioimpedance Spectroscopy and Single Frequency Regression Equations.
F Seoane, S Abtahi, F Abtahi, L Ellegård, G Johannsson, I Bosaeus, ...
BioMed Research International 2015, 11, 2015
Spectroscopy study of the dynamics of the transencephalic electrical impedance in the perinatal brain during hypoxia
F Seoane, K Lindecrantz, T Olsson, I Kjellmer, A Flisberg, R Bågenholm
Physiological Measurement 26 (5), 849, 2005
Characterization of dry biopotential electrodes
L Xie, G Yang, L Xu, F Seoane, Q Chen, L Zheng
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Cole Parameter Estimation from the Modulus of the Electrical Bioimpeadance for Assessment of Body Composition. A Full Spectroscopy Approach
R Buendia, R Gil-Pita, F Seoane
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance, 2011
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Articles 1–20