Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz
Cited by
Cited by
On the cohomology of 3D digital images
R González-Díaz, P Real
Discrete Applied Mathematics 147 (2-3), 245-263, 2005
An entropy-based persistence barcode
H Chintakunta, T Gentimis, R Gonzalez-Diaz, MJ Jimenez, H Krim
Pattern Recognition 48 (2), 391-401, 2015
On the stability of persistent entropy and new summary functions for topological data analysis
N Atienza, R González-Díaz, M Soriano-Trigueros
Pattern Recognition 107, 107509, 2020
Persistent entropy for separating topological features from noise in vietoris-rips complexes
N Atienza, R Gonzalez-Diaz, M Rucco
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 52, 637-655, 2019
Computation of cohomology operations of finite simplicial complexes
R Gonzalez-Diaz, P Real
Two-hidden-layer feed-forward networks are universal approximators: A constructive approach
E Paluzo-Hidalgo, R Gonzalez-Diaz, MA Gutiérrez-Naranjo
Neural Networks 131, 29-36, 2020
Chain homotopies for object topological representations
R González-Díaz, MJ Jiménez, B Medrano, P Real
Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (3), 490-499, 2009
Human gait identification using persistent homology
J Lamar-León, EB Garcia-Reyes, R Gonzalez-Diaz
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2012
A new topological entropy-based approach for measuring similarities among piecewise linear functions
M Rucco, R Gonzalez-Diaz, MJ Jimenez, N Atienza, C Cristalli, ...
Signal Processing 134, 130-138, 2017
A combinatorial method for computing Steenrod squares
R González-Dıaz, P Real
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 139 (1-3), 89-108, 1999
Integral operators for computing homology generators at any dimension
R Gonzalez-Diaz, MJ Jimenez, B Medrano, H Molina-Abril, P Real
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, 356-363, 2008
Towards digital cohomology
R Gonzalez–Diaz, P Real
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 11th International Conference, DGCI …, 2003
3D well-composed polyhedral complexes
R Gonzalez-Diaz, MJ Jimenez, B Medrano
Discrete Applied Mathematics 183, 59-77, 2015
Algebraic topological analysis of time-sequence of digital images
R Gonzalez–Diaz, B Medrano, P Real, J Sánchez–Peláez
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 8th International Workshop, CASC …, 2005
Cubical cohomology ring of 3D photographs
R Gonzalez‐Diaz, MJ Jimenez, B Medrano
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 21 (1), 76-85, 2011
On the stability of persistent entropy and new summary functions for TDA
N Atienza, R González-Díaz, M Soriano-Trigueros
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08304, 2018
Computing Cup Products in -Cohomology of 3D Polyhedral Complexes
R Gonzalez-Diaz, J Lamar, R Umble
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 14, 721-744, 2014
Gait-based gender classification using persistent homology
JL Leon, A Cerri, EG Reyes, RG Diaz
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2013
A new entropy based summary function for topological data analysis
MN Atienza Martínez, R González Díaz, M Soriano Trigueros
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 68 (july 2018), 113-118., 2018
Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids
M Cerman, I Janusch, R Gonzalez-Diaz, WG Kropatsch
Machine Vision and Applications 27, 1161-1174, 2016
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Articles 1–20