Gretel Boswijk
Gretel Boswijk
School of Environment, University of Auckland, NZ
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SHCal20 Southern Hemisphere calibration, 0–55,000 years cal BP
AG Hogg, TJ Heaton, Q Hua, JG Palmer, CSM Turney, J Southon, ...
Radiocarbon 62 (4), 759-778, 2020
Revised calendar date for the Taupo eruption derived by 14C wiggle-matching using a New Zealand kauri 14C calibration data set
A Hogg, DJ Lowe, J Palmer, G Boswijk, CB Ramsey
The Holocene 22 (4), 439-449, 2012
Tree rings reveal globally coherent signature of cosmogenic radiocarbon events in 774 and 993 CE
U Büntgen, L Wacker, JD Galván, S Arnold, D Arseneault, M Baillie, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3605, 2018
Millennia‐long tree‐ring records from Tasmania and New Zealand: A basis for modelling climate variability and forcing, past, present and future
ER Cook, BM Buckley, JG Palmer, P Fenwick, MJ Peterson, G Boswijk, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2006
Rapid increase in cosmogenic 14C in AD 775 measured in New Zealand kauri trees indicates short-lived increase in 14C production spanning both hemispheres
D Güttler, F Adolphi, J Beer, N Bleicher, G Boswijk, M Christl, A Hogg, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 290-297, 2015
Multi-centennial tree-ring record of ENSO-related activity in New Zealand
AM Fowler, G Boswijk, AM Lorrey, J Gergis, M Pirie, SPJ McCloskey, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (3), 172-176, 2012
ENSO history recorded in Agathis australis (kauri) tree rings. Part A: kauri's potential as an ENSO proxy
AM Fowler, G Boswijk, J Gergis, A Lorrey
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2008
Extension of the New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) chronology to 1724 BC
G Boswijk, A Fowler, A Lorrey, J Palmer, J Ogden
The Holocene 16 (2), 188-199, 2006
The late Holocene kauri chronology: assessing the potential of a 4500-year record for palaeoclimate reconstruction
G Boswijk, AM Fowler, JG Palmer, P Fenwick, A Hogg, A Lorrey, J Wunder
Quaternary Science Reviews 90, 128-142, 2014
The New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) research project: a radiocarbon dating intercomparison of Younger Dryas wood and implications for IntCal13
A Hogg, C Turney, J Palmer, J Southon, B Kromer, CB Ramsey, G Boswijk, ...
Radiocarbon 55 (4), 2035-2048, 2013
Annual variation in atmospheric 14C between 1700 BC and 1480 BC
C Pearson, L Wacker, A Bayliss, D Brown, M Salzer, P Brewer, ...
Radiocarbon 62 (4), 939-952, 2020
Pinus and Prostomis: a dendrochronological and palaeoentomological study of a mid-Holocene woodland in eastern England
G Boswijk, NJ Whitehouse
The Holocene 12 (5), 585-596, 2002
Decadally resolved lateglacial radiocarbon evidence from New Zealand kauri
A Hogg, J Southon, C Turney, J Palmer, CB Ramsey, P Fenwick, ...
Radiocarbon 58 (4), 709-733, 2016
Tree-ring studies on Agathis australis (kauri): a synthesis of development work on Late Holocene chronologies
A Fowler, G Boswijk, J Ogden
Tree-Ring Research 60 (1), 15-29, 2004
High-precision radiocarbon measurements of tree-ring dated wood from New Zealand: 195 BC–AD 995
A Hogg, J Palmer, G Boswijk, C Turney
Radiocarbon 53 (3), 529-542, 2011
Vegetation changes since early Maori fires in Waipoua Forest, northern New Zealand
J Ogden, Y Deng, G Boswijk, A Sandiford
Journal of archaeological science 30 (6), 753-767, 2003
The scientific value and potential of New Zealand swamp kauri
AM Lorrey, G Boswijk, A Hogg, JG Palmer, CSM Turney, AM Fowler, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 183, 124-139, 2018
Punctuated shutdown of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during Greenland Stadial 1
A Hogg, J Southon, C Turney, J Palmer, C Bronk Ramsey, P Fenwick, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 25902, 2016
Chronology stripping as a tool for enhancing the statistical quality of tree-ring chronologies
A Fowler, G Boswijk
Tree-Ring Society, 2003
Investigating the interhemispheric 14C offset in the 1st millennium AD and assessment of laboratory bias and calibration errors
A Hogg, J Palmer, G Boswijk, P Reimer, D Brown
Radiocarbon 51 (4), 1177-1186, 2009
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Articles 1–20