Paul A. Wallace
Cited by
Cited by
Failure criteria for porous dome rocks and lavas: a study of Mt. Unzen, Japan
R Coats, JE Kendrick, PA Wallace, T Miwa, AJ Hornby, JD Ashworth, ...
Copernicus GmbH, 2018
Petrological architecture of a magmatic shear zone: a multidisciplinary investigation of strain localisation during magma ascent at Unzen Volcano, Japan
PA Wallace, JE Kendrick, T Miwa, JD Ashworth, R Coats, JEP Utley, ...
Journal of Petrology 60 (4), 791-826, 2019
Evolution of mechanical properties of lava dome rocks across the 1995–2010 eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
CE Harnett, JE Kendrick, A Lamur, ME Thomas, A Stinton, PA Wallace, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 7, 2019
Increasing the permeability of hydrothermally altered andesite by transitory heating
SP Mordensky, BM Kennedy, MC Villeneuve, Y Lavallée, MK Reichow, ...
Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems 20 (11), 5251-5269, 2019
Disruption of long-term effusive-explosive activity at Santiaguito, Guatemala
OD Lamb, A Lamur, A Díaz-Moreno, S De Angelis, AJ Hornby, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 253, 2019
Thermal liability of hyaloclastite in the Krafla geothermal reservoir, Iceland: the impact of phyllosilicates on permeability and rock strength
J Weaver, GH Eggertsson, JEP Utley, PA Wallace, A Lamur, JE Kendrick, ...
Geofluids 2020 (1), 9057193, 2020
Shear localisation, strain partitioning and frictional melting in a debris avalanche generated by volcanic flank collapse
A Hughes, JE Kendrick, G Salas, PA Wallace, F Legros, G Di Toro, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 140, 104132, 2020
Integrated constraints on explosive eruption intensification at Santiaguito dome complex, Guatemala
PA Wallace, OD Lamb, S De Angelis, JE Kendrick, AJ Hornby, ...
Earth and planetary science letters 536, 116139, 2020
Failure criteria for porous dome rocks and lavas: a study of Mt. Unzen, Japan, Solid Earth, 9, 1299–1328
R Coats, JE Kendrick, PA Wallace, T Miwa, AJ Hornby, JD Ashworth, ...
Frictional melt homogenisation during fault slip: Geochemical, textural and rheological fingerprints
PA Wallace, SH De Angelis, AJ Hornby, JE Kendrick, S Clesham, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 255, 265-288, 2019
Compaction of hyaloclastite from the active geothermal system at Krafla volcano, Iceland
GH Eggertsson, JE Kendrick, J Weaver, PA Wallace, JEP Utley, ...
Geofluids 2020 (1), 3878503, 2020
Rapid alteration of fractured volcanic conduits beneath Mt Unzen
TI Yilmaz, FB Wadsworth, HA Gilg, KU Hess, JE Kendrick, PA Wallace, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 1-14, 2021
Statistical evidence of transitioning open-vent activity towards a paroxysmal period at Volcán Santiaguito (Guatemala) during 2014–2018
W Carter, A Rietbrock, Y Lavallée, E Gottschämmer, AD Moreno, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 398, 106891, 2020
Quantification of ash sedimentation dynamics through depolarisation imaging with AshCam
B Esse, M Burton, M Varnam, R Kazahaya, PA Wallace, F Von-Aulock, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15680, 2018
Transient conduit permeability controlled by a shift between compactant shear and dilatant rupture at Unzen volcano (Japan)
Y Lavallée, T Miwa, JD Ashworth, PA Wallace, JE Kendrick, R Coats, ...
Solid Earth Discussions 2021, 1-39, 2021
Disruption of long-term effusive-explosive activity at Santiaguito. Guatemala Front Earth Sci 6: 253
OD Lamb, A Lamur, A Díaz-Moreno, S De Angelis, AJ Hornby, ...
La participation comme investigateur à un travail de recherche est-elle une forme efficace de formation médicale continue?
D Huas, P Wallace
Pedagogie médicale 3 (1), 14-18, 2002
Diffuse soil CO2 emissions at rift volcanoes: Structural controls and total budget of the Olkaria Volcanic Complex (Kenya) case study
L Cappelli, PA Wallace, A Randazzo, PM Kamau, RW Njoroge, V Otieno, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 443, 107929, 2023
Frictional behaviour, wear and comminution of synthetic porous geomaterials
A Hughes, JE Kendrick, A Lamur, FB Wadsworth, PA Wallace, G Di Toro, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 562548, 2020
Is participation in research as an investigator an effective form of continuing medical education?
D Huas, P Wallace
British Journal of General Practice 50 (461), 982-983, 2000
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Articles 1–20