Richard R. Mu
Richard R. Mu
Dir. TSUFI-PREM Program. Prof & Assoc. Dir. TIGER Institute, Tenn. State Univ.
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Cited by
Structural and optical properties of uniform ZnO nanosheets
SJ Chen, YC Liu, CL Shao, R Mu, YM Lu, JY Zhang, DZ Shen, XW Fan
F-doping effects on electrical and optical properties of ZnO nanocrystalline films
HY Xu, YC Liu, R Mu, CL Shao, YM Lu, DZ Shen, XW Fan
Applied Physics Letters 86 (12), 2005
Room-temperature ferromagnetism in (Mn, N)-codoped ZnO thin films prepared by reactive magnetron cosputtering
HY Xu, YC Liu, CS Xu, YX Liu, CL Shao, R Mu
Applied Physics Letters 88 (24), 2006
Thermal conductivity of electrospun polyethylene nanofibers
J Ma, Q Zhang, A Mayo, Z Ni, H Yi, Y Chen, R Mu, LM Bellan, D Li
Nanoscale 7 (40), 16899-16908, 2015
Effects of surface and physical confinement on the phase transitions of cyclohexane in porous silica
R Mu, VM Malhotra
Physical Review B 44 (9), 4296, 1991
The structural and optical properties of Cu2O films electrodeposited on different substrates
YL Liu, YC Liu, R Mu, H Yang, CL Shao, JY Zhang, YM Lu, DZ Shen, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 20 (1), 44, 2004
Interfacial polarization and layer thickness effect on electrical insulation in multilayered polysulfone/poly (vinylidene fluoride) films
JK Tseng, S Tang, Z Zhou, M Mackey, JM Carr, R Mu, L Flandin, ...
Polymer 55 (1), 8-14, 2014
Nanofibers of CeO2 via an electrospinning technique
X Yang, C Shao, Y Liu, R Mu, H Guan
Thin Solid Films 478 (1-2), 228-231, 2005
Semicrystalline structure–dielectric property relationship and electrical conduction in a biaxially oriented poly (vinylidene fluoride) film under high electric fields and high …
L Yang, J Ho, E Allahyarov, R Mu, L Zhu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (36), 19894-19905, 2015
Optical properties and electrical characterization of p-type ZnO thin films prepared by thermally oxiding Zn3N2 thin films
BS Li, YC Liu, ZZ Zhi, DZ Shen, YM Lu, JY Zhang, XW Fan, RX Mu, ...
Journal of Materials Research 18, 8-13, 2003
Enhanced photoresponse in ZnO nanowires decorated with CdTe quantum dot
RS Aga, D Jowhar, A Ueda, Z Pan, WE Collins, R Mu, KD Singer, J Shen
Applied Physics Letters 91 (23), 2007
Structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin film
HY Xu, YC Liu, CS Xu, YX Liu, CL Shao, R Mu
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (7), 2006
Fabrication and characterization of ZnO film based UV photodetector
CY Liu, BP Zhang, ZW Lu, NT Binh, K Wakatsuki, Y Segawa, R Mu
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 20, 197-201, 2009
Ultraviolet electroluminescence from p-GaN/i-ZnO/n-ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes
HY Xu, YC Liu, YX Liu, CS Xu, CL Shao, R Mu
Applied Physics B 80, 871-874, 2005
Structural and optical properties of ZnO nanotower bundles
YH Tong, YC Liu, CL Shao, RX Mu
Applied physics letters 88 (12), 2006
Enhancement of ZnO photoluminescence by localized and propagating surface plasmons
BJ Lawrie, RF Haglund Jr, R Mu
Optics Express 17 (4), 2565-2572, 2009
Spectroscopic studies of Er3+ doped Ge-Ga-S glass containing silver nanoparticles
Z Pan, A Ueda, R Aga Jr, A Burger, R Mu, SH Morgan
Journal of non-crystalline solids 356 (23-24), 1097-1101, 2010
Electrically pumped near-ultraviolet lasing from ZnO/MgO core/shell nanowires
CY Liu, HY Xu, JG Ma, XH Li, XT Zhang, YC Liu, R Mu
Applied Physics Letters 99 (6), 2011
The photoluminescence properties of ZnO: N films fabricated by thermally oxidizing Zn3N2 films using plasma-assisted metal-organic chemical vapour deposition
D Wang, YC Liu, R Mu, JY Zhang, YM Lu, DZ Shen, XW Fan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (25), 4635, 2004
Upconversion luminescence in Er3+-doped germanate-oxyfluoride and tellurium-germanate-oxyfluoride transparent glass-ceramics
Z Pan, A Ueda, R Mu, SH Morgan
Journal of luminescence 126 (1), 251-256, 2007
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Articles 1–20