Jay Bhavsar
Cited by
Cited by
Ceramic waste powder as a partial substitute of fly ash for geopolymer concrete cured at ambient temperature
JK Bhavsar, V Panchal
Civil Engineering Journal 8 (07), 2022
Performance assessment of pervious concrete by using silica fume
JR Raghwani, D Shah, JK Bhavsar
J Civ Eng Environ Technol 3 (4), 269-273, 2016
Impact Resistance of Waste Rubber Fiber Silica Fume Concrete
DSJKB Parimal D. Donga
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology 3 (4), 274-279, 2016
Strength and durability evaluation of multi-binder geopolymer concrete in ambient condition
J Bhavsar, VR Panchal
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 27 (4), 1708-1719, 2023
Enhancement of Concrete Properties by Replacing Cement and Fine Aggregate with Ceramic Powder
CPPJK Bhavsar
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology 3 (Issue 3), 232-236, 2016
Experimental Study of Fly Ash Based Geo-Polymer Concrete Using Silica Fume and Quartz Powder
VRPJKB Jay A. Desai
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2018
Performance Assessment of Pervious Geopolymer Concrete using Metakaolin
R Jivani, VR Panchal, J Bhavsar
no. May, 2018
High temperature and abrasion resistance of fly ash and ceramic waste powder based geopolymer mortar
J Bhavsar, VR Panchal
Study of Mechanical & Durability Properties of Micro Concrete With Waste Ceramic Tiles
V Gajjar, VR Panchal, JK Bhavsar
Performance and Analysis of Brass Coated Micro Steel Fibre on Alccofine 1203 Based Concrete
SA Singh, VR Panchal, J Bhavsar, V Patel
Experimental Study of Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade Hybrid Concrete Incorporating Mineral Admixture and Steel Fibers
VNPJKB Nagesh Trivedi
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology 3 (3), 214-244, 2016
Study on properties of self compacting concrete (scc) containing fly ash and silica fume
JP Jay Bhavsar
International Conference on contemporary issues in engineering & Technology, 1-5, 2014
Comparative Study of Concentric and Eccentric Braced Frame
PDGP Jay Bhavsar
Dharamsinh Desail University, 2012
Experimental Study of Mechanical Properties of M30 Grade Hybrid Concrete Incorporating Mineral Admixture and Steel Fibers
N Trivedi, VN Patel, JK Bhavsar
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Articles 1–14