Ping Chen
Ping Chen
Assistant Professor at Nankai University; Visiting Scholar at University of Maryland
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Ferroelectric and piezoelectric effects on the optical process in advanced materials and devices
Y Zhang, W Jie, P Chen, W Liu, J Hao
Advanced Materials 30 (34), 1707007, 2018
Broadband convolutional processing using band-alignment-tunable heterostructures
L Pi, P Wang, SJ Liang, P Luo, H Wang, D Li, Z Li, P Chen, X Zhou, ...
Nature Electronics 5 (4), 248-254, 2022
Van der Waals integration based on two‐dimensional materials for high‐performance infrared photodetectors
H Wang, Z Li, D Li, P Chen, L Pi, X Zhou, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (30), 2103106, 2021
Iterated variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
P Chen, H Huang, XY Dong
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2), 1620-1627, 2010
An improved NEH-based heuristic for the permutation flowshop problem
X Dong, H Huang, P Chen
Computers & Operations Research 35 (12), 3962-3968, 2008
Optimizing the green open vehicle routing problem with time windows by minimizing comprehensive routing cost
Y Niu, Z Yang, P Chen, J Xiao
Journal of cleaner production 171, 962-971, 2018
Highly In‐Plane Anisotropic 2D PdSe2 for Polarized Photodetection with Orientation Selectivity
L Pi, C Hu, W Shen, L Li, P Luo, X Hu, P Chen, D Li, Z Li, X Zhou, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (3), 2006774, 2021
An iterated local search algorithm for the permutation flowshop problem with total flowtime criterion
X Dong, H Huang, P Chen
Computers & Operations Research 36 (5), 1664-1669, 2009
Junction Field‐Effect Transistors Based on PdSe2/MoS2 Heterostructures for Photodetectors Showing High Responsivity and Detectivity
H Wang, Z Li, D Li, X Xu, P Chen, L Pi, X Zhou, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (49), 2106105, 2021
Bimodal tactile sensor without signal fusion for user-interactive applications
X Ma, C Wang, R Wei, J He, J Li, X Liu, F Huang, S Ge, J Tao, Z Yuan, ...
ACS nano 16 (2), 2789-2797, 2022
Transesterification of glycerol with dimethyl carbonate to glycerol carbonate over Na–based zeolites
P Saiyong, L Zheng, N Renfeng, XIA Shuixin, C Ping, H Zhaoyin
Chinese Journal of Catalysis 33 (11-12), 1772-1777, 2012
Electrocaloric effect in La-doped BNT-6BT relaxor ferroelectric ceramics
L Li, M Xu, Q Zhang, P Chen, N Wang, D Xiong, B Peng, L Liu
Ceramics International 44 (1), 343-350, 2018
Relationship of social support to stress responses and immune function in healthy and asthmatic adolescents
DH Kang, CL Coe, J Karaszewski, DO McCarthy
Research in Nursing & Health 21 (2), 117-128, 1998
Polarization modulated upconversion luminescence: single particle vs. few-particle aggregates
P Chen, M Song, E Wu, B Wu, J Zhou, H Zeng, X Liu, J Qiu
Nanoscale 7 (15), 6462-6466, 2015
A harmonic gradient method for unsteady supersonic flow calculations
PC Chen, DD Liu
Journal of Aircraft 22 (5), 371-379, 1985
Piezotronics in two‐dimensional materials
Q Zhang, S Zuo, P Chen, C Pan
InfoMat 3 (9), 987-1007, 2021
长安, 葛全胜, 方修琦, 席建超
地理研究 26 (3), 533-540, 2007
Comparison of gene transcription between subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue in Chinese adults
JM Zha, WJ Di, T Zhu, Y Xie, J Yu, J Liu, P Chen, G Ding
Endocrine journal 56 (8), 935-944, 2009
A multi-restart iterated local search algorithm for the permutation flow shop problem minimizing total flow time
X Dong, P Chen, H Huang, M Nowak
Computers & Operations Research 40 (2), 627-632, 2013
Glycerol oxidation with oxygen over bimetallic Pt-Bi catalysts under atmospheric pressure
D LIANG, CUI Shiyu, GAO Jing, W Junhua, C Ping, HOU Zhaoyin
Chinese Journal of Catalysis 32 (11-12), 1831-1837, 2011
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Articles 1–20