Sachi Kodippily
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Cited by
Detecting flushing of thin-sprayed seal pavements using pavement management data
S Kodippily, TFP Henning, JM Ingham
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (5), 665-673, 2012
Deformation and cracking performance of recycled asphalt paving mixes containing polymer-modified binder
S Kodippily, G Holleran, TFP Henning
Road Materials and Pavement Design 18 (2), 425-439, 2017
Evaluating pavement performance through smart monitoring–effects of soil moisture, temperature and traffic
S Kodippily, SL Tighe, TFP Henning, J Yeaman
Road Materials and Pavement Design 19 (1), 71-86, 2018
Modelling the flushing mechanism of thin flexible surface pavements
S Kodippily
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2013
Effects of extreme climatic conditions on pavement response
S Kodippily, J Yeaman, T Henning, S Tighe
Road Materials and Pavement Design 21 (5), 1413-1425, 2020
Computed tomography scanning for quantifying chipseal material volumetrics
S Kodippily, TFP Henning, JM Ingham, G Holleran
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 28 (3), 04014002, 2014
Improving recycled asphalt mix performance through rejuvenation
S Kodippily, G Holleran, TFP Henning
Transportation Research Record 2575 (1), 150-159, 2016
Effects of polymer modified binder on the deformation and cracking performance of recycled asphalt paving mixes
S Kodippily, G Holleran, D Wilson, TFP Henning
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United …, 2015
Moisture sensitivity of pavement basecourses
S Kodippily, J Yeaman, T Henning, S Tighe
ARRB International Conference, 28th, 2018, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2018
Quantifying the effects of chip seal volumetrics on the occurrence of pavement flushing
S Kodippily, TFP Henning, JM Ingham, G Holleran
Journal of materials in civil engineering 26 (8), 04014041, 2014
Performance of recycled asphalt pavement mixes: comparing New Zealand experience with American experience
S Kodippily, G Holleran, I Holleran, T Henning, D Wilson
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014
Characterising bitumen binders for pavements in the Auckland region
S Kodippily, I Holleran, G Holleran
Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research …, 2016
Laboratory performance of recycled asphalt pavement mixes: The New Zealand experience
S Kodippily, G Holleran, I Holleran, D Wilson, TFP Henning
Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research …, 2014
Using a multi-phase model to predict flushing of sprayed seal pavements
S Kodippily, TFP Henning, JM Ingham
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 15 (3), 267-278, 2014
Using Multiple Investigative Techniques to Assess Flushing of Chip Seal Surfaces
S Kodippily, TFP Henning, JM Ingham, G Holleran
Transportation Research Record 2431 (1), 42-48, 2014
Flushing in chipseals September 2015
PR Herrington, S Kodippily, TFP Henning
Wellington, 2015
Development of a Performance Prediction Model to Manage Flushing of Sprayed Seal Pavements
S Kodipply, JM Ingham, TF HENNING
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets, 2015
Management of Flushing of Chipseal Pavements using Multiple Assessment Techniques
S Kodippily, T Henning, J Ingham, G Holleran
3rd International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure (ICTI), 2014
Effects of variation in moisture and temperature on pavement response
S Kodippily, J Yeaman, T Henning, S Tighe
ARRB International Conference, 28th, 2018, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2018
Moisture Sensitivity of Pavement Basecourses using Site Data and Soil Water Characteristic Curves
S Kodippily, J Yeaman, TFP Henning, SL Tighe
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–20