Yuan Zhu(朱援)
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Cited by
Traffic volume forecasting based on radial basis function neural network with the consideration of traffic flows at the adjacent intersections
JZ Zhu, JX Cao, Y Zhu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 47, 139-154, 2014
Using big data to study resilience of taxi and subway trips for hurricanes Sandy and Irene
Y Zhu, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang
Transportation research record 2599 (1), 70-80, 2016
Hurricane evacuation modeling using behavior models and scenario-driven agent-based simulations
Y Zhu, K Xie, K Ozbay, H Yang
Procedia computer science 130, 836-843, 2018
Evacuation zone modeling under climate change: A data-driven method
K Xie, K Ozbay, Y Zhu, H Yang
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (4), 04017013, 2017
Data-driven spatial modeling for quantifying networkwide resilience in the aftermath of hurricanes Irene and Sandy
Y Zhu, K Xie, K Ozbay, F Zuo, H Yang
Transportation research record 2604 (1), 9-18, 2017
Case studies for data-oriented emergency management/planning in complex urban systems
K Xie, K Ozbay, Y Zhu, H Yang
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII …, 2016
Network modeling of hurricane evacuation using data driven demand and incident induced capacity loss models
Y Zhu, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang, EF Morgul
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Invulnerability simulation of urban agglomeration passenger transport network under incomplete information attack strategy
C Li, Z Yang, Y Zhu
Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (1), 6658299, 2021
Modeling of incident-induced capacity loss for hurricane evacuation simulation
Y Zhu, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 613-618, 2019
Network Modeling of Hurricane Evacuation Using Data‐Driven Demand and Incident‐Induced Capacity Loss Models
Y Zhu, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang, EF Morgul
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (1), 6620254, 2021
Modeling lane-specific breakdown probabilities at freeway diverge sections
K Xie, K Ozbay, D Yang, H Yang, Y Zhu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 561, 125231, 2021
SAVE‐T: Safety Analysis Visualization and Evaluation Tool
Y Zhu, S Demiroluk, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang, D Sha
Journal of advanced transportation 2021 (1), 5545117, 2021
Data-Driven Method for Predicting Future Evacuation Zones in the Context of Climate Change
K Xie, K Ozbay, Y Zhu, H Yang
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Real-Time Vehicle Detection and Urban Traffic Behavior Analysis Based on UAV Traffic Videos on Mobile Devices
Y Zhu, Y Wang, Y An, H Yang, Y Pan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.16246, 2024
Modeling and simulation of cascading failures in transportation systems during hurricane evacuations
Y Zhu, K Ozbay, H Yang, F Zuo, D Sha
Journal of advanced transportation 2021 (1), 5599073, 2021
DCM-YOLOv8: An improved YOLOv8-based small target detection model for UAV images
Z Xing, Y Zhu, R Liu, W Wang, Z Zhang
International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 367-379, 2024
Drone Data Analytics for Measuring Traffic Metrics at Intersections in High-Density Areas
Q Pu, Y Zhu, J Wang, H Yang, S Cui
Transportation Research Board’s 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2023, 2023
A Deep Learning Approach to Predict Severity Levels of Work Zone Crashes
H Yang, Z Wang, K Xie, Y Ma, Y Zhu
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
An improved methodological framework based on probe vehicle data for detecting secondary crashes
H Yang, Z Wang, K Ozbay, K Xie, Y Zhu
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Performance measures to assess resiliency and efficiency of transit systems.
H Nassif, K Ozbay, D Deka, P Lou, Y Zhu, C Na, S Mudigonda, EF Morgul, ...
University Transportation Centers Program (US), 2017
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Articles 1–20