Fallon Ringer
Fallon Ringer
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The interpersonal theory of suicide: A systematic review and meta-analysis of a decade of cross-national research.
C Chu, JM Buchman-Schmitt, IH Stanley, MA Hom, RP Tucker, CR Hagan, ...
Psychological bulletin 143 (12), 1313, 2017
Insomnia and suicide-related behaviors: A multi-study investigation of thwarted belongingness as a distinct explanatory factor
C Chu, MA Hom, ML Rogers, IH Stanley, FB Ringer-Moberg, ...
Journal of affective disorders 208, 153-162, 2017
A meta-analytic review of the association between agitation and suicide attempts
ML Rogers, FB Ringer, TE Joiner
Clinical Psychology Review 48, 1-6, 2016
The association between state laws regulating handgun ownership and statewide suicide rates
MD Anestis, LR Khazem, KC Law, C Houtsma, R LeTard, F Moberg, ...
American journal of public health 105 (10), 2059-2067, 2015
Mental health service use among firefighters with suicidal thoughts and behaviors
MA Hom, IH Stanley, FB Ringer, TE Joiner
Psychiatric services 67 (6), 688-691, 2016
Is insomnia lonely? Exploring thwarted belongingness as an explanatory link between insomnia and suicidal ideation in a sample of South Korean university students
C Chu, MA Hom, ML Rogers, FB Ringer, JL Hames, S Suh, TE Joiner
Journal of clinical sleep medicine 12 (5), 647-652, 2016
Hope and the interpersonal‐psychological theory of suicidal behavior: Replication and extension of prior findings
MD Anestis, FB Moberg, RC Arnau
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 44 (2), 175-187, 2014
The association between suicidal ideation and lifetime suicide attempts is strongest at low levels of depression
ML Rogers, FB Ringer, TE Joiner
Psychiatry research 270, 324-328, 2018
Initial validation of brief measures of suicide risk factors: Common data elements used by the Military Suicide Research Consortium.
FB Ringer, KA Soberay, ML Rogers, CR Hagan, C Chu, M Schneider, ...
Psychological assessment 30 (6), 767, 2018
Cross-cultural relevance of the Interpersonal Theory of suicide across Korean and US undergraduate students
S Suh, CK Ebesutani, CR Hagan, ML Rogers, MA Hom, FB Ringer, ...
Psychiatry research 251, 244-252, 2017
A preliminary examination of the relationship between social networking interactions, internet use, and thwarted belongingness
FB Moberg, MD Anestis
Crisis, 2015
Examination of MMPI–2–RF substantive scales as indicators of acute suicidal affective disturbance components
ML Rogers, JC Anestis, TM Harrop, M Schneider, TW Bender, FB Ringer, ...
Journal of personality assessment 99 (4), 424-434, 2017
The associations between Army National Guard versus Active Duty Soldier status and perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and acquired capability
MC Podlogar, C Houtsma, LR Khazem, F Ringer, T Mofield, BA Green, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 73 (12), 1682-1691, 2017
Thwarted belongingness in relation to face‐to‐face and online interactions
FB Ringer, MD Anestis
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 48 (4), 468-480, 2018
To support and defend: A eusociality-based account of suicide in US military service members and first responders.
FB Ringer, ML Rogers, MC Podlogar, C Chu, AR Gai, T Joiner
Clinical psychology: science and practice 28 (4), 380, 2021
Sex differences in suicide-related symptoms in a large military sample
ML Rogers, FB Ringer, MS Michaels, B Chiurliza, CR Hagan, C Chu, ...
Military behavioral health 5 (1), 73-80, 2017
The nature and structure of the Military Suicide Research Consortium’s common data elements
AR Gai, F Ringer, K Schafer, S Dougherty, M Schneider, KA Soberay, ...
Military Behavioral Health 9 (2), 129-138, 2021
Suicide risk during COVID-19: correlates of peri-pandemic suicidal ideation controlling for pre-pandemic ideation
ME Jeon, MM Gomez, AR Gai, FB Ringer, KM Schafer, TE Joiner
International journal of cognitive therapy 15 (3), 321-335, 2022
Effects of Passive and Active Social Media Use on Thwarted Belongingness and Desire to Affiliate following a Social Exclusion Task
FB Ringer
The Florida State University, 2022
Suicide-related Internet Use’s Effects on Suicide Risk and Fearlessness about Death
FB Ringer
The Florida State University, 2019
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Articles 1–20