Restoring natural sensory feedback in real-time bidirectional hand prostheses S Raspopovic, M Capogrosso, FM Petrini, M Bonizzato, J Rigosa, ... Science translational medicine 6 (222), 222ra19-222ra19, 2014 | 1116 | 2014 |
cvxEDA: A convex optimization approach to electrodermal activity processing A Greco, G Valenza, A Lanata, EP Scilingo, L Citi IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 63 (4), 797-804, 2015 | 636 | 2015 |
Double nerve intraneural interface implant on a human amputee for robotic hand control PM Rossini, S Micera, A Benvenuto, J Carpaneto, G Cavallo, L Citi, ... Clinical neurophysiology 121 (5), 777-783, 2010 | 475 | 2010 |
Revealing real-time emotional responses: a personalized assessment based on heartbeat dynamics G Valenza, L Citi, A Lanatį, EP Scilingo, R Barbieri Scientific reports 4 (1), 4998, 2014 | 299 | 2014 |
P300-based BCI mouse with genetically-optimized analogue control L Citi, R Poli, C Cinel, F Sepulveda IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 16 (1), 51-61, 2008 | 222 | 2008 |
On the use of longitudinal intrafascicular peripheral interfaces for the control of cybernetic hand prostheses in amputees S Micera, X Navarro, J Carpaneto, L Citi, O Tonet, PM Rossini, ... IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 16 (5 …, 2008 | 160 | 2008 |
A real-time automated point-process method for the detection and correction of erroneous and ectopic heartbeats L Citi, EN Brown, R Barbieri IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 59 (10), 2828-2837, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
Decoding information from neural signals recorded using intraneural electrodes: toward the development of a neurocontrolled hand prosthesis S Micera, L Citi, J Rigosa, J Carpaneto, S Raspopovic, G Di Pino, ... Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (3), 407-417, 2010 | 135 | 2010 |
On the use of wavelet denoising and spike sorting techniques to process electroneurographic signals recorded using intraneural electrodes L Citi, J Carpaneto, K Yoshida, KP Hoffmann, KP Koch, P Dario, S Micera Journal of neuroscience methods 172 (2), 294-302, 2008 | 134 | 2008 |
Arousal and valence recognition of affective sounds based on electrodermal activity A Greco, G Valenza, L Citi, EP Scilingo IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (3), 716-725, 2016 | 127 | 2016 |
Decoding of grasping information from neural signals recorded using peripheral intrafascicular interfaces S Micera, PM Rossini, J Rigosa, L Citi, J Carpaneto, S Raspopovic, ... Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 8, 1-10, 2011 | 126 | 2011 |
Measures of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic outflow from heartbeat dynamics G Valenza, L Citi, JP Saul, R Barbieri Journal of applied physiology 125 (1), 19-39, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
Defining brain–machine interface applications by matching interface performance with device requirements O Tonet, M Marinelli, L Citi, PM Rossini, L Rossini, G Megali, P Dario Journal of neuroscience methods 167 (1), 91-104, 2008 | 107 | 2008 |
Point-process nonlinear models with laguerre and volterra expansions: Instantaneous assessment of heartbeat dynamics G Valenza, L Citi, EP Scilingo, R Barbieri IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (11), 2914-2926, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Characterization of depressive states in bipolar patients using wearable textile technology and instantaneous heart rate variability assessment G Valenza, L Citi, C Gentili, A Lanata, EP Scilingo, R Barbieri IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (1), 263-274, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Effect of data leakage in brain MRI classification using 2D convolutional neural networks E Yagis, SW Atnafu, A Garcķa Seco de Herrera, C Marzi, R Scheda, ... Scientific reports 11 (1), 22544, 2021 | 86 | 2021 |
Documenting, modelling and exploiting P300 amplitude changes due to variable target delays in Donchin's speller L Citi, R Poli, C Cinel Journal of Neural Engineering 7 (5), 056006, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Estimation of instantaneous complex dynamics through lyapunov exponents: a study on heartbeat dynamics G Valenza, L Citi, R Barbieri PloS one 9 (8), e105622, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
3d Convolutional neural networks for diagnosis of alzheimer's disease via structural mri E Yagis, L Citi, S Diciotti, C Marzi, SW Atnafu, AGS De Herrera 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
Inhomogeneous point-process entropy: An instantaneous measure of complexity in discrete systems G Valenza, L Citi, EP Scilingo, R Barbieri Physical Review E 89 (5), 052803, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |