Hans Risselada
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Cited by
Customer-to-customer interactions: Broadening the scope of word of mouth research
B Libai, R Bolton, MS Bügel, K de Ruyter, O Götz, H Risselada, ...
Journal of Service Research 13 (3), 267-282, 2010
Dynamic effects of social influence and direct marketing on the adoption of high-technology products
H Risselada, PC Verhoef, THA Bijmolt
Journal of Marketing 78 (2), 52-68, 2014
Data analytics in a privacy-concerned world
J Wieringa, PK Kannan, X Ma, T Reutterer, H Risselada, B Skiera
Journal of Business Research 122, 915-925, 2021
Staying Power of Churn Prediction Models
H Risselada, PC Verhoef, THA Bijmolt
Journal of Interactive Marketing 24 (3), 198-208, 2010
The impact of social influence on the perceived helpfulness of online consumer reviews
H Risselada, L de Vries, M Verstappen
European Journal of Marketing 52 (3/4), 619-636, 2018
Customer engagement: a new frontier in customer value management
SFM Beckers, H Risselada, PC Verhoef
Handbook of Service Marketing Research, 97, 2014
Does sustainability sell? The impact of sustainability claims on the success of national brands’ new product introductions
J van Doorn, H Risselada, PC Verhoef
Journal of Business Research 137, 182-193, 2021
Indicators of opinion leadership in customer networks: self-reports and degree centrality
H Risselada, PC Verhoef, THA Bijmolt
Marketing Letters 27 (3), 449-460, 2016
Collective patterns of social diffusion are shaped by individual inertia and trend-seeking
M Ye, L Zino, Ž Mlakar, JW Bolderdijk, H Risselada, BM Fennis, M Cao
Nature communications 12 (1), 5698, 2021
Referral campaigns for software startups: The impact of network characteristics on product adoption
F Eggers, H Risselada, T Niemand, S Robledo
Journal of Business Research 145, 309-324, 2022
Sustainability claims and perceived product quality: The moderating role of brand CSR
J van Doorn, PC Verhoef, H Risselada
Sustainability 12 (9), 3711, 2020
Dynamics in charity donation decisions: Insights from a large longitudinal data set
MC Leliveld, H Risselada
Science advances 3 (9), e1700077, 2017
Social Network Analysis
H Risselada, J van den Ochtend
Handbook of Market Research, 693-717, 2021
Social tipping games: Experimental paradigms for studying consumer movements
Z Mlakar, JW Bolderdijk, H Risselada, BM Fennis, M Ye, L Zino, M Cao
Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 2024
Analyzing behavior in customer relationships accounting for customer-to-customer interactions
H Risselada
(Un) intended spillovers of green government policies: The case of plastic regulations
J van Doorn, H Risselada, SM Rizio, M Ye
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-23, 2024
Houdbaarheid van churnvoorspellingsmodellen
H Risselada, PC Verhoef, THA Bijmolt
Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie 2013, 217-234, 2013
A System Approach to Sustainable Fashion: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?
J Koster, M Leliveld, H Risselada, JW Bolderdijk
From i-level to g-level-to s-level change: New methods for a new mindset for consumer researchers
A Grinstein, JW Bolderdijk, H Risselada
Available at SSRN 4781525, 2024
The Impact of Social Influence on the Perceived Helpfulness of Online Consumer
H Risselada, L de Vries, M Verstappen
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Articles 1–20