Hong Song(宋红)
Hong Song(宋红)
Professor, Beijing institute of Technology(北京理工大学)
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Cited by
Deep belief network modeling for automatic liver segmentation
M Ahmad, D Ai, G Xie, SF Qadri, H Song, Y Huang, Y Wang, J Yang
IEEE Access 7, 20585-20595, 2019
Multichannel fully convolutional network for coronary artery segmentation in X-ray angiograms
J Fan, J Yang, Y Wang, S Yang, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, A Hao, Y Wang
Ieee Access 6, 44635-44643, 2018
Registration and fusion quantification of augmented reality based nasal endoscopic surgery
Y Chu, J Yang, S Ma, D Ai, W Li, H Song, L Li, D Chen, L Chen, Y Wang
Medical image analysis 42, 241-256, 2017
Attention-based DenseUnet network with adversarial training for skin lesion segmentation
Z Wei, H Song, L Chen, Q Li, G Han
IEEE Access 7, 136616-136629, 2019
Liver tumor segmentation in CT volumes using an adversarial densely connected network
L Chen, H Song, C Wang, Y Cui, J Yang, X Hu, L Zhang
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-13, 2019
Dorsal hand vein recognition based on convolutional neural networks
H Wan, L Chen, H Song, J Yang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Face detection and segmentation for video surveillance
H Song, P SHI
Acta Armamentarii 27 (2), 252, 2006
Securing smart vehicles from relay attacks using machine learning
U Ahmad, H Song, A Bilal, M Alazab, A Jolfaei
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 2665-2682, 2020
Automatic schizophrenic discrimination on fNIRS by using complex brain network analysis and SVM
H Song, L Chen, RQ Gao, IIM Bogdan, J Yang, S Wang, W Dong, W Quan, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 17, 1-9, 2017
Stenosis-DetNet: Sequence consistency-based stenosis detection for X-ray coronary angiography
K Pang, D Ai, H Fang, J Fan, H Song, J Yang
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 89, 101900, 2021
Kidney segmentation in CT sequences using SKFCM and improved GrowCut algorithm
H Song, W Kang, Q Zhang, S Wang
BMC systems biology 9, 1-11, 2015
Automatic retinal vessel segmentation using multi-scale superpixel chain tracking
J Zhao, J Yang, D Ai, H Song, Y Jiang, Y Huang, L Zhang, Y Wang
Digital Signal Processing 81, 26-42, 2018
Phase unwrapping based on a residual en-decoder network for phase images in Fourier domain Doppler optical coherence tomography
C Wu, Z Qiao, N Zhang, X Li, J Fan, H Song, D Ai, J Yang, Y Huang
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (4), 1760-1771, 2020
Perception enhancement using importance-driven hybrid rendering for augmented reality based endoscopic surgical navigation
Y Chu, X Li, X Yang, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, Y Jiang, Y Wang, X Chen, ...
Biomedical optics express 9 (11), 5205-5226, 2018
Securing insulin pump system using deep learning and gesture recognition
U Ahmad, H Song, A Bilal, S Saleem, A Ullah
2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In …, 2018
Denoising of MR and CT images using cascaded multi-supervision convolutional neural networks with progressive training
H Song, L Chen, Y Cui, Q Li, Q Wang, J Fan, J Yang, L Zhang
Neurocomputing 469, 354-365, 2022
Greedy soft matching for vascular tracking of coronary angiographic image sequences
H Fang, J Zhu, D Ai, Y Huang, Y Jiang, H Song, Y Wang, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (5), 1466-1480, 2019
Splitting touching cells based on concave-point and improved watershed algorithms
H Song, Q Zhao, Y Liu
Frontiers of Computer Science 8, 156-162, 2014
Augmented reality calibration using feature triangulation iteration-based registration for surgical navigation
L Shao, S Yang, T Fu, Y Lin, H Geng, D Ai, J Fan, H Song, T Zhang, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 148, 105826, 2022
Secure passive keyless entry and start system using machine learning
U Ahmad, H Song, A Bilal, M Alazab, A Jolfaei
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2018
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Articles 1–20