Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the Greenland NGRIP ice core, and selected auxiliary records M Walker, S Johnsen, SO Rasmussen, T Popp, JP Steffensen, P Gibbard, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 24 (1), 3-17, 2009 | 911 | 2009 |
Tephrochronology and its application: a review DJ Lowe Quaternary Geochronology 6 (2), 107-153, 2011 | 879 | 2011 |
A review of late Quaternary silicic and some other tephra formations from New Zealand: their stratigraphy, nomenclature, distribution, volume, and age PC Froggatt, DJ Lowe New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 33 (1), 89-109, 1990 | 527 | 1990 |
Towards a climate event stratigraphy for New Zealand over the past 30 000 years (NZ‐INTIMATE project) BV Alloway, DJ Lowe, DJA Barrell, RM Newnham, PC Almond, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 22 (1), 9-35, 2007 | 379 | 2007 |
Alteration, formation, and occurrence of minerals in soils GJ Churchman, DJ Lowe Handbook of Soil Sciences. 2nd edition 1, 20.1-20.72, 2012 | 331 | 2012 |
Fingerprints and age models for widespread New Zealand tephra marker beds erupted since 30,000 years ago: a framework for NZ-INTIMATE DJ Lowe, PAR Shane, BV Alloway, RM Newnham Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (1-2), 95-126, 2008 | 289 | 2008 |
Advancing tephrochronology as a global dating tool: applications in volcanology, archaeology, and palaeoclimatic research CS Lane, SPE Blockley, DJ Lowe, T Suzuki, VC Smith, ( editors) Quaternary Geochronology 40, 146 pp., 2017 | 254* | 2017 |
Advancing tephrochronology as a global dating tool: applications in volcanology, archaeology, and palaeoclimatic research CS Lane, DJ Lowe, SPE Blockley, T Suzuki, VC Smith Quaternary Geochronology 40, 1-7, 2017 | 254* | 2017 |
Pyroclastic flow deposits, Hinuera Valley, central North Island, and note on usage of ignimbrite as building material. DJ Lowe, A Pittari Geoscience Society of New Zealand Journal of the Historical Studies Group 61 …, 2019 | 221 | 2019 |
A wiggle-match date for Polynesian settlement of New Zealand AG Hogg, TFG Higham, DJ Lowe, JG Palmer, PJ Reimer, RM Newnham Antiquity 77 (295), 116-125, 2003 | 208 | 2003 |
A revised age for the Kawakawa/Oruanui tephra, a key marker for the Last Glacial Maximum in New Zealand M Vandergoes, M.J., Hogg, A.G., Lowe, D.J., Newnham Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 195-201., 2013 | 203 | 2013 |
Quaternary environmental change in New Zealand: a review RM Newnham, DJ Lowe, PW Williams Progress in Physical Geography 23 (4), 567-610, 1999 | 202 | 1999 |
Controls on the rates of weathering and clay mineral genesis in airfall tephras: a review and New Zealand case study DJ Lowe Rates of chemical weathering of rocks and minerals, 265-330, 1986 | 201 | 1986 |
Ages of 24 widespread tephras erupted since 30,000 years ago in New Zealand, with re-evaluation of the timing and palaeoclimatic implications of the Lateglacial cool episode … DJ Lowe, M Blaauw, AG Hogg, RM Newnham Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 170-194., 2013 | 198 | 2013 |
Stratigraphy, age, composition, and correlation of late Quaternary tephras interbedded with organic sediments in Waikato lakes, North Island, New Zealand DJ Lowe New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 31 (2), 125-165, 1988 | 183 | 1988 |
Palynology, vegetation and climate of the Waikato lowlands, North Island, New Zealand, since c. 18,000 years ago RM Newnham, DJ Lowe, JD Green Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 19 (2), 127-150, 1989 | 175 | 1989 |
Revised calendar date for the Taupo eruption derived by 14C wiggle-matching using a New Zealand kauri 14C calibration data set A Hogg, DJ Lowe, J Palmer, G Boswijk, CB Ramsey The Holocene, 0959683611425551, 2012 | 167 | 2012 |
Using palaeoenvironmental DNA to reconstruct past environments: progress and prospects. NJ Rawlence, DJ Lowe, J Wood, J.R., Young, GJ Churchman, YT Huang, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 29 (7), 610-626 (open access), 2014 | 153 | 2014 |
Holocene vegetation, climate and history of a raised bog complex, northern New Zealand based on palynology, plant macrofossils and tephrochronology RM Newnham, PJ De Lange, DJ Lowe The Holocene 5 (3), 267-282, 1995 | 144 | 1995 |
The Kaharoa Tephra as a critical datum for earliest human impact in northern New Zealand RM Newnham, DJ Lowe, MS McGlone, JM Wilmshurst, TFG Higham Journal of Archaeological Science 25 (6), 533-544, 1998 | 142 | 1998 |