Sergio Yovine
Cited by
Cited by
The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems
R Alur, C Courcoubetis, N Halbwachs, TA Henzinger, PH Ho, X Nicollin, ...
Theoretical computer science 138 (1), 3-34, 1995
Symbolic model checking for real-time systems
TA Henzinger, X Nicollin, J Sifakis, S Yovine
Information and computation 111 (2), 193-244, 1994
Kronos: A verification tool for real-time systems
S Yovine
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 1 (1-2), 123-133, 1997
The tool Kronos
C Daws, A Olivero, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Hybrid Systems III: Verification and Control 3, 208-219, 1996
Kronos: A model-checking tool for real-time systems
M Bozga, C Daws, O Maler, A Olivero, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Computer Aided Verification: 10th International Conference, CAV'98 Vancouver …, 1998
Symbolic reachability computation for families of linear vector fields
G Lafferriere, GJ Pappas, S Yovine
Journal of Symbolic Computation 32 (3), 231-253, 2001
An approach to the description and analysis of hybrid systems
X Nicollin, A Olivero, J Sifakis, S Yovine
International Hybrid Systems Workshop, 149-178, 1991
A new class of decidable hybrid systems
G Lafferriere, GJ Pappas, S Yovine
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: Second International Workshop, HSCC …, 1999
Model checking timed automata
S Yovine
School organized by the European Educational Forum, 114-152, 1996
Analysis of timed systems using time-abstracting bisimulations
S Tripakis, S Yovine
Formal Methods in System Design 18, 25-68, 2001
Reducing the number of clock variables of timed automata.
C Daws, S Yovine
rtss 96, 73, 1996
Two examples of verification of multirate timed automata with Kronos
C Daws, S Yovine
Proceedings 16th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 66-75, 1995
Compiling real-time specifications into extended automata
X Nicollin, J Sifakis, S Yovine
IEEE transactions on Software Engineering 18 (9), 794-804, 1992
Integration graphs: a class of decidable hybrid systems
Y Kesten, A Pnueli, J Sifakis, S Yovine
International Hybrid Systems Workshop, 179-208, 1991
Compositional specification of timed systems
J Sifakis, S Yovine
STACS 96, 345-359, 1996
From ATP to timed graphs and hybrid systems
X Nicollin, J Sifakis, S Yovine
Real-Time: Theory in Practice: REX Workshop Mook, The Netherlands, June 3–7 …, 1992
A framework for scheduler synthesis
K Altisen, G Goßler, A Pnueli, J Sifakis, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Proceedings 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (Cat. No. 99CB37054), 154-163, 1999
Some progress in the symbolic verification of timed automata
M Bozga, O Maler, A Pnueli, S Yovine
Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997
Verifying et-lotos Programs with Kronos
C Daws, A Olivero, S Yovine
Formal Description Techniques VII: Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 1995
On-the-fly symbolic model checking for real-time systems
A Bouajjani, S Tripakis, S Yovine
Proceedings Real-Time Systems Symposium, 25-34, 1997
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20