Gabriel Cepaluni
Gabriel Cepaluni
Professor Associado de Relações Internacionais, Unesp-Franca
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A política externa de Lula da Silva: a estratégia da autonomia pela diversificação
T Vigevani, G Cepaluni
Contexto internacional 29, 273-335, 2007
Foreign policy in comparative perspective: Domestic and international influences on state behavior
RK Beasley, J Kaarbo, JS Lantis, MT Snarr
Cq Press, 2012
Lula's foreign policy and the quest for autonomy through diversification
T Vigevani, G Cepaluni
Third World Quarterly 28 (7), 1309-1326, 2007
Brazilian foreign policy in changing times: the quest for autonomy from Sarney to Lula
G Cepaluni, T Vigevani
Lexington Books, 2012
Political regimes and deaths in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
G Cepaluni, MT Dorsch, R Branyiczki
Journal of public finance and public choice 37 (1), 27-53, 2022
A política externa brasileira: a busca da autonomia, de Sarney a Lula
T Vigevani, G Cepaluni
SciELO-Editora UNESP, 2018
Compulsory voting can increase political inequality: evidence from Brazil
G Cepaluni, FD Hidalgo
Political Analysis 24 (2), 273-280, 2016
Regime de patentes: Brasil x Estados Unidos no tabuleiro internacional
G Cepaluni
Aduaneiras/Lex/Cenofisco, 2006
Regimes internacionais e o contencioso das patentes para medicamentos: estratégias para países em desenvolvimento
G Cepaluni
Contexto Internacional 27, 51-99, 2005
Prejudice, strategic discrimination, and the electoral connection: evidence from a pair of field experiments in Brazil
A Driscoll, G Cepaluni, FS Guimaraes, P Spada
American Journal of Political Science 62 (4), 781-795, 2018
Legislature size and welfare: Evidence from Brazil
U Mignozzetti, G Cepaluni, D Freire
American Journal of Political Science, 2022
Populism, political regimes, and COVID-19 deaths
G Cepaluni, M Dorsch, S Dzebo
Available at SSRN 3816398, 2021
The bigger, the better: coalitions in the GATT/WTO
G Cepaluni, M Galdino, AJ Oliveira
Brazilian Political Science Review 6, 28-55, 2012
Mobility and policy responses during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
G Cepaluni, MT Dorsch, D Kovarek
International journal of public health 67, 1604663, 2022
Coalizões internacionais: revisão da literatura e propostas para uma agenda de pesquisa
G Cepaluni
BIB-Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, 5-22, 2010
Conditional cash transfers and child labor
G Cepaluni, TK Chewning, A Driscoll, MA Faganello
World Development 152, 105768, 2022
Discípulos de Rawls em busca de uma concepção cosmopolita de justiça distributiva internacional
G Cepaluni, FS Guimarães
Revista de Sociologia e Política 18, 59-73, 2010
As razões da guerra civil: necessidade, crença e ganância
G Cepaluni, F Mendonça
Revista de Sociologia e Política, 205-209, 2006
United we stand and divided we fall: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO negotiations
G Cepaluni, IF Fernandes
International Political Science Review 43 (4), 547-563, 2022
Preserving Domestic Autonomy: Weak Migration Laws and the Mercosur Strategy of Limited Integration
G Cepaluni, KLP Mariano, MP Mariano
Latin American Geopolitics: Migration, Cities and Globalization, 83-107, 2019
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Articles 1–20