Amber Wichowsky
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Cited by
Measuring how administration shapes citizenship: A policy feedback perspective on performance management
A Wichowsky, DP Moynihan
Public Administration Review 68 (5), 908-920, 2008
Economic discontent as a mobilizer: unemployment and voter turnout
BC Burden, A Wichowsky
The Journal of Politics 76 (4), 887-898, 2014
Attacks without consequence? Candidates, parties, groups, and the changing face of negative advertising
CM Dowling, A Wichowsky
American Journal of Political Science 59 (1), 19-36, 2015
Does it matter who’s behind the curtain? Anonymity in political advertising and the effects of campaign finance disclosure
CM Dowling, A Wichowsky
American Politics Research 41 (6), 965-996, 2013
Inequality in the social mind: Social comparison and support for redistribution
M Condon, A Wichowsky
The Journal of Politics 82 (1), 149-161, 2020
Narrow victories and hard games: Revisiting the primary divisiveness hypothesis
A Wichowsky, SE Niebler
American Politics Research 38 (6), 1052-1071, 2010
Developing citizen-scientists: Effects of an inquiry-based science curriculum on STEM and civic engagement
M Condon, A Wichowsky
The Elementary School Journal 119 (2), 196-222, 2018
Immigrant inclusion in the safety net: A framework for analysis and effects on educational attainment
M Condon, A Filindra, A Wichowsky
Policy Studies Journal 44 (4), 424-448, 2016
Competition, party dollars, and income bias in voter turnout, 1980–2008
A Wichowsky
The Journal of Politics 74 (2), 446-459, 2012
The economic other: Inequality in the American political imagination
M Condon, A Wichowsky
University of Chicago Press, 2020
District complexity and the personal vote
A Wichowsky
Legislative Studies Quarterly 37 (4), 437-463, 2012
Foreclosure’s fallout: Economic adversity and voter turnout
P Shah, A Wichowsky
Political Behavior 41, 1099-1115, 2019
Civic life in the divided metropolis: social capital, collective action, and residential income segregation
A Wichowsky
Urban Affairs Review 55 (1), 257-287, 2019
Local and national forces in congressional elections
BC Burden, A Wichowsky
The illusion of technique: How method-driven research leads welfare scholarship astray
J Soss, M Condon, M Holleque, A Wichowsky
Social Science Quarterly 87 (4), 798-807, 2006
Unemployment and voter turnout
BC Burden, A Wichowsky
APSA 2012 annual meeting paper, 2012
Same blueprint, different bricks: Reexamining the sources of the gender gap in political ideology
M Condon, A Wichowsky
Gender and Political Psychology, 16-32, 2017
External influence on exchange rates: An empirical investigation of US pressure and the Chinese RMB
JC Weiss, A Wichowsky
Review of International Political Economy 25 (5), 596-623, 2018
The effects of partisan framing on COVID-19 attitudes: Experimental evidence from early and late pandemic
A Wichowsky, M Condon
Research & Politics 9 (2), 20531680221096049, 2022
More than Cheap Talk: US campaign rhetoric and China's currency reform
JC Weiss, A Wichowsky
Available at SSRN 2326843, 2013
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Articles 1–20