R. Brent Stansfield
R. Brent Stansfield
Baylor College of Medicine
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Effects of anticipatory stress on decision making in a gambling task.
SD Preston, TW Buchanan, RB Stansfield, A Bechara
Behavioral neuroscience 121 (2), 257, 2007
Validation of the revised brief diabetes knowledge test (DKT2)
JT Fitzgerald, MM Funnell, RM Anderson, R Nwankwo, RB Stansfield, ...
The Diabetes Educator 42 (2), 178-187, 2016
The empathic, physiological resonance of stress
TW Buchanan, SL Bagley, RB Stansfield, SD Preston
Social neuroscience 7 (2), 191-201, 2012
The neural substrates of cognitive empathy
SD Preston, A Bechara, H Damasio, TJ Grabowski, RB Stansfield, ...
Social neuroscience 2 (3-4), 254-275, 2007
Endovascular Skills for Trauma and Resuscitative Surgery (ESTARS) course: curriculum development, content validation, and program assessment
CY Villamaria, JL Eliason, LM Napolitano, RB Stansfield, JR Spencer, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 76 (4), 929-936, 2014
I know how you feel: Task-irrelevant facial expressions are spontaneously processed at a semantic level
SD Preston, RB Stansfield
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (1), 54-64, 2008
A randomized trial of SMART goal enhanced debriefing after simulation to promote educational actions
A Aghera, M Emery, R Bounds, C Bush, RB Stansfield, B Gillett, ...
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 19 (1), 112, 2017
Medical students' use of different coping strategies and relationship with academic performance in preclinical and clinical years
JH Schiller, RB Stansfield, DC Belmonte, JA Purkiss, RM Reddy, ...
Teaching and learning in medicine 30 (1), 15-21, 2018
Pelvic floor nerve conduction studies: establishing clinically relevant normative data
AL Olsen, M Ross, RB Stansfield, C Kreiter
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 189 (4), 1114-1119, 2003
Development of a metacognitive effort construct of empathy during clinical training: a longitudinal study of the factor structure of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy
RB Stansfield, A Schwartz, CL O’Brien, M Dekhtyar, L Dunham, M Quirk
Advances in Health Sciences Education 21, 5-17, 2016
Altruism in the wild: When affiliative motives to help positive people overtake empathic motives to help the distressed.
DJ Hauser, SD Preston, RB Stansfield
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (3), 1295, 2014
Medical student perceptions of the learning environment at the end of the first year: a 28-medical school collaborative
SE Skochelak, RB Stansfield, L Dunham, M Dekhtyar, LD Gruppen, ...
Academic Medicine 91 (9), 1257-1262, 2016
The effect of the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship on students' interest in a career in obstetrics and gynecology
MM Hammoud, RB Stansfield, NT Katz, L Dugoff, J McCarthy, CB White
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 195 (5), 1422-1426, 2006
Emergency medicine residents’ self‐assessments play a critical role when receiving feedback
R Bounds, C Bush, A Aghera, N Rodriguez, RB Stansfield, SA Santen, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 20 (10), 1055-1061, 2013
OpTrust: validity of a tool assessing intraoperative entrustment behaviors
G Sandhu, VC Nikolian, CP Magas, RB Stansfield, DC Sutzko, K Prabhu, ...
Annals of surgery 267 (4), 670-676, 2018
The multiple mini-interview for emergency medicine resident selection
LR Hopson, JC Burkhardt, RB Stansfield, T Vohra, D Turner-Lawrence, ...
The Journal of emergency medicine 46 (4), 537-543, 2014
Innovation in internship preparation: an operative anatomy course increases senior medical students' knowledge and confidence
N Tocco, M Brunsvold, L Kabbani, J Lin, B Stansfield, D Mueller, ...
The American Journal of Surgery 206 (2), 269-279, 2013
Assessing musculoskeletal examination skills and diagnostic reasoning of 4th year medical students using a novel objective structured clinical exam
RB Stansfield, L Diponio, C Craig, J Zeller, E Chadd, J Miller, S Monrad
BMC Medical Education 16, 1-7, 2016
Conditional reliability of admissions interview ratings: extreme ratings are the most informative
R Brent Stansfield, CD Kreiter
Medical education 41 (1), 32-38, 2007
Patient and provider perceptions of diabetes: measuring and evaluating differences
JT Fitzgerald, RB Stansfield, T Tang, M Oh, A Frohna, B Armbruster, ...
Patient education and counseling 70 (1), 118-125, 2008
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