Maxime Berar
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Cited by
Riemannian approaches in brain-computer interfaces: a review
F Yger, M Berar, F Lotte
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (10 …, 2016
Audiovisual speech synthesis
G Bailly, M Berar, F Elisei, M Odisio
International Journal of Speech Technology 6, 331-346, 2003
Construction and analysis of a head CT-scan database for craniofacial reconstruction
F Tilotta, F Richard, J Glaunès, M Berar, S Gey, S Verdeille, Y Rozenholc, ...
Forensic science international 191 (1-3), 112. e1-112. e12, 2009
3D semi-landmarks based statistical face reconstruction
M Desvignes, G Bailly, Y Payan, M Berar
Journal of computing and Information technology 14 (1), 31-43, 2006
Screening sinkhorn algorithm for regularized optimal transport
MZ Alaya, M Berar, G Gasso, A Rakotomamonjy
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Adaptive canonical correlation analysis based on matrix manifolds
F Yger, M Berar, G Gasso, A Rakotomamonjy
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2012
Craniofacial reconstruction as a prediction problem using a Latent Root Regression model
M Berar, FM Tilotta, JA Glaunès, Y Rozenholc
Forensic science international 210 (1-3), 228-236, 2011
3D statistical facial reconstruction
M Berar, M Desvignes, G Bailly, Y Payan
ISPA 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Image and …, 2005
Optimal transport for conditional domain matching and label shift
A Rakotomamonjy, R Flamary, G Gasso, ME Alaya, M Berar, N Courty
Machine Learning, 1-20, 2022
3d meshes registration: Application to statistical skull model
M Berar, M Desvignes, G Bailly, Y Payan
International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition, 100-107, 2004
Online multimodal dictionary learning
A Traoré, M Berar, A Rakotomamonjy
Neurocomputing 368, 163-179, 2019
Statistical skull models from 3D X-ray images
M Berar, M Desvignes, G Bailly, Y Payan
arXiv preprint physics/0610182, 2006
Feature selection and classification using multiple kernel learning for brain tumor segmentation
N Boughattas, M Berar, K Hamrouni, S Ruan
2018 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and …, 2018
Distance measure machines
A Rakotomamonjy, A Traoré, M Berar, R Flamary, N Courty
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00250, 2018
Singleshot: a scalable Tucker tensor decomposition
A Traoré, M Berar, A Rakotomamonjy
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Multitask principal component analysis
I Yamane, F Yger, M Berar, M Sugiyama
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 302-317, 2016
Oblique principal subspace tracking on manifold
F Yger, M Berar, G Gasso, A Rakotomamonjy
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
Unsupervised domain adaptation for regression using dictionary learning
M Dhaini, M Berar, P Honeine, A Van Exem
Knowledge-Based Systems 267, 110439, 2023
Missing data estimation using polynomial kernels
M Berar, M Desvignes, G Bailly, Y Payan, B Romaniuk
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 390-399, 2005
Theoretical guarantees for bridging metric measure embedding and optimal transport
MZ Alaya, M Bérar, G Gasso, A Rakotomamonjy
Neurocomputing 468, 416-430, 2022
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Articles 1–20