Seon Wook Kim
Seon Wook Kim
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A reconfigurable FIR filter architecture to trade off filter performance for dynamic power consumption
SJ Lee, JW Choi, SW Kim, J Park
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 19 (12 …, 2010
Multiplex: Unifying conventional and speculative thread-level parallelism on a chip multiprocessor
CL Ooi, SW Kim, I Park, R Eigenmann, B Falsafi, TN Vijaykumar
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Supercomputing, 368-380, 2001
Runtime parallelization of legacy code on a transactional memory system
M DeVuyst, DM Tullsen, SW Kim
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on High Performance and …, 2011
Parallel programming environment for OpenMP
I Park, MJ Voss, SW Kim, R Eigenmann
Scientific Programming 9 (2-3), 143-161, 2001
System and method for translating high-level programming language code into hardware description language code
SW Kim, TH giang Nguyen
US Patent 8,448,150, 2013
Full adder-based arithmetic units for finite integer rings
T Stouraitis, SW Kim, A Skavantzos
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 1993
Reference idempotency analysis: A framework for optimizing speculative execution
SW Kim, CL Ooi, R Eigenmann, B Falsafi, TN Vijaykumar
Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practices …, 2001
Portable compilers for OpenMP
SJ Min, SW Kim, M Voss, SI Lee, R Eigenmann
International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, 11-19, 2001
A self-calibrated DLL-based clock generator for an energy-aware EISC processor
S Hwang, KM Kim, J Kim, SW Kim, C Kim
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 21 (3), 575-579, 2012
Silent-PIM: Realizing the processing-in-memory computing with standard memory requests
CH Kim, WJ Lee, Y Paik, K Kwon, SY Kim, I Park, SW Kim
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (2), 251-262, 2021
Software architecture for a multi-protocol RFID reader on mobile devices
JG Lee, SJ Hwang, SW Kim, S Ahn, KH Park, JH Koo, WS Kang
Second International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS'05 …, 2005
System and method for translating high programming level languages code into hardware description language code
SW Kim, TH giang Nguyen
US Patent 8,336,036, 2012
Exploiting reference idempotency to reduce speculative storage overflow
SW Kim, CL Ooi, R Eigenmann, B Falsafi, TN Vijaykumar
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 28 (5), 942-965, 2006
Design of processing-“inside”-memory optimized for dram behaviors
WJ Lee, CH Kim, Y Paik, J Park, I Park, SW Kim
IEEE Access 7, 82633-82648, 2019
Quantifying differences between OpenMP and MPI using a large-scale application suite
B Armstrong, SW Kim, R Eigenmann
International Symposium on High Performance Computing, 482-493, 2000
High-throughput low-area design of AES using constant binary matrix-vector multiplication
H Lee, Y Paik, J Jun, Y Han, SW Kim
Microprocessors and Microsystems 47, 360-368, 2016
Implementation of a low power motion detection camera processor using a CMOS image sensor
SH Lee, SW Kim, S Kim
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2, II-737, 2004
VGV: supporting performance analysis of object-oriented mixed MPI/OpenMPI parallel applications
SW Kim, M Voss, B Kuhn, HC Hoppe, W Nagel
Proceedings 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2002
Performance study of anti-collision algorithms for EPC-C1 Gen2 RFID protocol
JG Lee, SJ Hwang, SW Kim
International Conference on Information Networking, 523-532, 2007
Dynamic instrumentation of large-scale mpi and openmp applications
C Thiffault, M Voss, ST Healey, SW Kim
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 9 pp., 2003
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Articles 1–20