Danesh Irani
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Cited by
Reverse Social Engineering Attacks in Online Social Networks
D Irani, M Balduzzi, D Balzarotti, E Kirda, C Pu
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, 55-74, 2011
Large Online Social Footprints--An Emerging Threat
D Irani, S Webb, K Li, C Pu
Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International …, 2009
Modeling unintended personal-information leakage from multiple online social networks
D Irani, S Webb, K Li, C Pu
IEEE Internet Computing 15 (3), 13-19, 2011
A social-spam detection framework
D Wang, D Irani, C Pu
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti …, 2011
Click traffic analysis of short URL spam on Twitter
D Wang, SB Navathe, L Liu, D Irani, A Tamersoy, C Pu
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing …, 2013
Study of trend-stuffing on twitter through text classification
D Irani, S Webb, C Pu, K Li
Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference (CEAS), 2010
Evolutionary Study of Web Spam: Webb Spam Corpus 2011 versus Webb Spam Corpus 2006
D Wang, D Irani, C Pu
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing …, 2012
Evolutionary study of phishing
D Irani, S Webb, J Giffin, C Pu
eCrime Researchers Summit, 2008, 1-10, 2008
A study on evolution of email spam over fifteen years
D Wang, D Irani, C Pu
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing …, 2013
Method and Apparatus Regarding Receipt of Audio-Visual Content Information and Use of Such Information to Automatically Infer a Relative Popularity of That Content
TT Horozov, DS Irani, SE Mhatre, N Narasimhan, V Vasudevan, JF Wodka
US Patent App. 11/965,843, 2007
Study of Static Classification of Social Spam Profiles in MySpace.
D Irani, S Webb, C Pu
ICWSM, 2010
Elusive vandalism detection in wikipedia: a text stability-based approach
Q Wu, D Irani, C Pu, L Ramaswamy
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2010
Spade: a social-spam analytics and detection framework
D Wang, D Irani, C Pu
Social Network Analysis and Mining 4 (1), 189, 2014
An anti-spam filter combination framework for text-and-image emails through incremental learning
B Byun, C Lee, S Webb, D Irani, C Pu
Proceedings of the the Sixth Conference on Email and Anti--Spam (CEAS 2009), 2009
An observation-based approach to performance characterization of distributed n-tier applications
C Pu, A Sahai, J Parekh, G Jung, J Bae, YK Cha, T Garcia, D Irani, J Lee, ...
Workload Characterization, 2007. IISWC 2007. IEEE 10th International …, 2007
A perspective of evolution after five years: A large-scale study of web spam evolution
D Wang, D Irani, C Pu
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 23 (02), 1441001, 2014
Method and Apparatus to Facilitate Automatically Forming an Aggregation of Multiple Different Renderable Content Items
N Narasimhan, TT Horozov, DS Irani, SE Mhatre, CW Shepard, ...
US Patent App. 12/050,295, 2008
A fast randomized method for local density-based outlier detection in high dimensional data
MQ Nguyen, E Omiecinski, L Mark, D Irani
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 215-226, 2010
Cosmos: A wiki data management system
Q Wu, C Pu, D Irani
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wikis and Open …, 2009
Preventing abuse of online communities
D Irani
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
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Articles 1–20