Justin P. Brienza
Justin P. Brienza
Senior Lecturer at UQ Business School
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The science of wisdom in a polarized world: Knowns and unknowns
I Grossmann, NM Weststrate, M Ardelt, JP Brienza, M Dong, M Ferrari, ...
Psychological inquiry 31 (2), 103-133, 2020
Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition.
JP Brienza, FYH Kung, HC Santos, DR Bobocel, I Grossmann
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115 (6), 1093, 2018
Wise deliberation sustains cooperation
I Grossmann, JP Brienza, DR Bobocel
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (3), 0061, 2017
Social class and wise reasoning about interpersonal conflicts across regions, persons and situations
JP Brienza, I Grossmann
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1869), 20171870, 2017
The strengths of wisdom provide unique contributions to improved leadership, sustainability, inequality, gross national happiness, and civic discourse in the face of …
I Grossmann, JP Brienza
Journal of Intelligence 6 (2), 22, 2018
Employee age alters the effects of justice on emotional exhaustion and organizational deviance
JP Brienza, DR Bobocel
Frontiers in psychology 8, 479, 2017
Wise reasoning: Converging evidence for the psychology of sound judgment
H Oakes, J Brienza, A Elnakouri, I Grossmann
OSF, 2018
Wise reasoning, intergroup positivity, and attitude polarization across contexts
J Brienza, F Kung, M Chao
Nature Communications, 2021
A common model is essential for a cumulative science of wisdom
I Grossmann, NM Weststrate, M Ferrari, JP Brienza
Psychological Inquiry 31 (2), 185-194, 2020
Beyond effective use: Integrating wise reasoning in machine learning development
M Namvar, A Intezari, S Akhlaghpour, JP Brienza
International journal of information management 69, 102566, 2023
Mixed reactions to multicultural (vs. Colorblind) diversity approach signals: A lay theories of culture perspective.
FYH Kung, JP Brienza, MM Chao
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 29 (1), 162, 2023
Determined yet dehumanized: People higher in self-control are seen as more robotic
SP Lapka, FYH Kung, JP Brienza, AA Scholer
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (2), 117-129, 2023
The tribal games: Tribalist foundations of trump supporters
B McKenna, JP Brienza, A Intezari
Critical Sociology 49 (4-5), 625-645, 2023
The psychology of attraction to multi‐level marketing
LJ Dixon, MJ Hornsey, N Hartley, CM Chapman, JP Brienza
Journal of Consumer Affairs 57 (3), 1213-1235, 2023
Exploring the utility of state-level wise reasoning: New assessment and facilitation methods
JP Brienza
University of Waterloo, 2017
Workplace injustice and counterproductive work behaviour: the moderating role of employee age
JP Brienza
University of Waterloo, 2013
Mind the gap: Wise reasoning attenuates gender pay gap scepticism in men
JP Brienza, A Dorfman, DR Bobocel
European Journal of Social Psychology 54 (1), 237-250, 2024
Military veterans with ptsd face an agonising choice: the stigma of declaring it to employers or being denied support
R O'Quinn, E Knight, JP Brienza, L Ferris, T Young
The Conversation Media Group, 2024
Bridging social divides: The role of wise reasoning in improving intergroup relations.
ZR Yang, FYH Kung, JP Brienza, MM Chao
Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2024
Can Social Rejection Change Employees' Value Priorities? The Mediating Roles of Emotional Distress and Emotional Numbness
M Amirzadeh, NM Ashkanasy, H Harati, JP Brienza, RF Baumeister
Emotions and Negativity, 63-85, 2022
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Articles 1–20