Deniz Bozyigit
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Observation of Resonant Photon Blockade at Microwave Frequencies<? format?> Using Correlation Function Measurements
C Lang, D Bozyigit, C Eichler, L Steffen, JM Fink, AA Abdumalikov Jr, ...
Physical review letters 106 (24), 243601, 2011
Antibunching of microwave-frequency photons observed in correlation measurements using linear detectors
D Bozyigit, C Lang, L Steffen, JM Fink, C Eichler, M Baur, R Bianchetti, ...
Nature Physics 7 (2), 154-158, 2011
Observation of two-mode squeezing in the microwave frequency domain
C Eichler, D Bozyigit, C Lang, M Baur, L Steffen, JM Fink, S Filipp, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (11), 113601, 2011
Experimental state tomography of itinerant single microwave photons
C Eichler, D Bozyigit, C Lang, L Steffen, J Fink, A Wallraff
Physical Review Letters 106 (22), 220503, 2011
Origins of low quantum efficiencies in quantum dot LEDs
D Bozyigit, O Yarema, V Wood
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (24), 3024-3029, 2013
Schemes for the observation of photon correlation functions in circuit QED with linear detectors
MP Da Silva, D Bozyigit, A Wallraff, A Blais
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 043804, 2010
Soft surfaces of nanomaterials enable strong phonon interactions
D Bozyigit, N Yazdani, M Yarema, O Yarema, WMM Lin, S Volk, ...
Nature 531 (7596), 618-622, 2016
Characterizing quantum microwave radiation and its entanglement with superconducting qubits using linear detectors
C Eichler, D Bozyigit, A Wallraff
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (3), 032106, 2012
Highly luminescent, size-and shape-tunable copper indium selenide based colloidal nanocrystals
O Yarema, D Bozyigit, I Rousseau, L Nowack, M Yarema, W Heiss, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (18), 3753-3757, 2013
Quantification of deep traps in nanocrystal solids, their electronic properties, and their influence on device behavior
D Bozyigit, S Volk, O Yarema, V Wood
Nano letters 13 (11), 5284-5288, 2013
A quantitative model for charge carrier transport, trapping and recombination in nanocrystal-based solar cells
D Bozyigit, WMM Lin, N Yazdani, O Yarema, V Wood
Nature communications 6 (1), 6180, 2015
Radiative efficiency limit with band tailing exceeds 30% for quantum dot solar cells
J Jean, TS Mahony, D Bozyigit, M Sponseller, J Holovský, MG Bawendi, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (11), 2616-2624, 2017
Challenges and solutions for high-efficiency quantum dot-based LEDs
D Bozyigit, V Wood
MRS bulletin 38 (9), 731-736, 2013
Quantum-to-classical transition in cavity quantum electrodynamics
JM Fink, L Steffen, P Studer, LS Bishop, M Baur, R Bianchetti, D Bozyigit, ...
Physical review letters 105 (16), 163601, 2010
High-quality transparent electrodes spin-cast from preformed antimony-doped tin oxide nanocrystals for thin film optoelectronics
L Luo, D Bozyigit, V Wood, M Niederberger
Chemistry of Materials 25 (24), 4901-4907, 2013
Tuning electron–phonon interactions in nanocrystals through surface termination
N Yazdani, D Bozyigit, K Vuttivorakulchai, M Luisier, I Infante, V Wood
Nano letters 18 (4), 2233-2242, 2018
Independent composition and size control for highly luminescent indium-rich silver indium selenide nanocrystals
O Yarema, M Yarema, D Bozyigit, WMM Lin, V Wood
ACS nano 9 (11), 11134-11142, 2015
Electroluminescence from nanoscale materials via field-driven ionization
V Wood, MJ Panzer, D Bozyigit, Y Shirasaki, I Rousseau, S Geyer, ...
Nano letters 11 (7), 2927-2932, 2011
Upscaling colloidal nanocrystal hot-injection syntheses via reactor underpressure
M Yarema, O Yarema, WMM Lin, S Volk, N Yazdani, D Bozyigit, V Wood
Chemistry of Materials 29 (2), 796-803, 2017
Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) on colloidal-synthesized nanocrystal solids
D Bozyigit, M Jakob, O Yarema, V Wood
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (8), 2915-2919, 2013
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Articles 1–20