Sarah Treul
Sarah Treul
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Emotions, oral arguments, and Supreme Court decision making
RC Black, SA Treul, TR Johnson, J Goldman
The Journal of Politics 73 (2), 572-581, 2011
Inquiring minds want to know: Do justices tip their hands with questions at oral argument in the US supreme court
TR Johnson, RC Black, J Goldman, SA Treul
Wash. UJL & Pol'y 29, 241, 2009
The symbolic and substantive representation of LGB Americans in the US House
ER Hansen, SA Treul
The Journal of Politics 77 (4), 955-967, 2015
Ambition and party loyalty in the US Senate
SA Treul
American Politics Research 37 (3), 449-464, 2009
Competitive primaries and party division in congressional elections
CE Jewitt, SA Treul
Electoral Studies 35, 140-149, 2014
Running as a woman? Candidate presentation in the 2018 midterms
M McDonald, R Porter, SA Treul
Political Research Quarterly 73 (4), 967-987, 2020
Volume Title: International and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output, and Prices Volume Author/Editor: Alan Heston and Robert E. Lipsey, editors Volume Publisher: University …
A Heston
Understanding Uncontested Prosecutor Elections
CB Hessick, S Treul, A Love
Am. Crim. L. Rev. 60, 31, 2023
Inexperienced or anti-establishment? Voter preferences for outsider congressional candidates
ER Hansen, SA Treul
Research & Politics 8 (3), 20531680211034958, 2021
Inexperience and success in congressional primaries
RA Porter, SA Treul
Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2019
The primary path for turning legislative effectiveness into electoral success
S Treul, DM Thomsen, C Volden, AE Wiseman
The Journal of Politics 84 (3), 1714-1726, 2022
Ideological primary competition and congressional behavior
CE Jewitt, SA Treul
Congress & the Presidency 46 (3), 471-494, 2019
Evaluating (in) experience in congressional elections
R Porter, SA Treul
American Journal of Political Science, 2023
Reevaluating the substantive representation of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Americans: A multiverse analysis
J Saraceno, ER Hansen, SA Treul
The Journal of Politics 83 (4), 1837-1843, 2021
The electoral consequences of roll call voting: Health care and the 2018 election
A Bussing, W Patton, JM Roberts, SA Treul
Political Behavior, 1-21, 2020
Indirect Presidential Influence, State-Level Approval, and Voting in the US Senate
CE Dwyer, SA Treul
American Politics Research 40 (2), 355-379, 2012
Changing the Dialogue: Descriptive Candidacies and Position Taking in Campaigns for the US House of Representatives
R Porter, SA Treul, M McDonald
The Journal of Politics 86 (2), 458-474, 2024
Assessing strategic voting in the 2008 US presidential primaries: the role of electoral context, institutional rules, and negative votes
DS Hillygus, SA Treul
Public Choice 161, 517-536, 2014
Primary Barriers to Working Class Representation
SA Treul, ER Hansen
Political Research Quarterly 76 (3), 1516-1528, 2023
Turning legislative effectiveness into electoral success
DM Thomsen, SA Treul, C Volden, AE Wiseman
Annual Meeting for the Midwest Political Science Association, 2019
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