Toby Champneys
Toby Champneys
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Selective effects of small barriers on river‐resident fish
PE Jones, T Champneys, J Vevers, L Börger, JC Svendsen, S Consuegra, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (7), 1487-1498, 2021
Invasive Nile tilapia dominates a threatened indigenous tilapia in competition over shelter
T Champneys, MJ Genner, CC Ioannou
Hydrobiologia 848 (16), 3747-3762, 2021
Density-dependent changes in neophobia and stress-coping styles in the world's oldest farmed fish
T Champneys, G Castaldo, S Consuegra, C Garcia de Leaniz
Royal Society open science 5 (12), 181473, 2018
The impact of turbidity on foraging and risk taking in the invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and a threatened native cichlid (Oreochromis amphimelas)
JDB Wing, TS Champneys, CC Ioannou
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75 (3), 49, 2021
One size does not fit all: inter-and intraspecific variation in the swimming performance of contrasting freshwater fish
PE Jones, JC Svendsen, L Börger, T Champneys, S Consuegra, ...
Conservation Physiology 8 (1), coaa126, 2020
Simulated encounters with a novel competitor reveal the potential for maladaptive behavioural responses to invasive species
T Champneys, K Ferry, S Tomkinson, MJ Genner, CC Ioannou
Biological Invasions, 1-16, 2022
The role of behavioural mechanisms in the invasion success and impact of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Tanzania
TS Champneys
University of Bristol, 2023
Inter and Intraspecific Variation in Passage Success Within an Experimental Pool and Weir System
T Champneys
Swansea University, 2018
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Articles 1–8