Monica Prezzi
Monica Prezzi
Professor of Civil Engineering
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Chemical, mineralogical, and morphological properties of steel slag
IZ Yildirim, M Prezzi
Advances in civil engineering 2011 (1), 463638, 2011
Geotechnical properties of fly and bottom ash mixtures for use in highway embankments
B Kim, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 131 (7), 914-924, 2005
Undrained monotonic response of clean and silty sands
TG Murthy, D Loukidis, JAH Carraro, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Géotechnique 57 (3), 273-288, 2007
Shear strength and stiffness of sands containing plastic or nonplastic fines
JAH Carraro, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (9), 1167-1178, 2009
The alkali–silica reaction: Part I. Use of the double-layer theory to explain the behavior of reaction-product gels
M Prezzi, PJM Monteiro, G Sposito
ACI materials journal 94 (1), 10-17, 1997
Construction of a test embankment using a sand–tire shred mixture as fill material
S Yoon, M Prezzi, NZ Siddiki, B Kim
Waste Management 26 (9), 1033-1044, 2006
Computation of cavity expansion pressure and penetration resistance in sands
R Salgado, M Prezzi
International Journal of Geomechanics 7 (4), 251-265, 2007
Effects of interface roughness, particle geometry, and gradation on the sand–steel interface friction angle
F Han, E Ganju, R Salgado, M Prezzi
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (12), 04018096, 2018
Two-and three-dimensional bearing capacity of footings in sand
AV Lyamin, R Salgado, SW Sloan, M Prezzi
Géotechnique 57 (8), 647-662, 2007
Effect of penetration rate on cone penetration resistance in saturated clayey soils
K Kim, M Prezzi, R Salgado, W Lee
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 134 (8), 1142-1153, 2008
Experimental study of cone penetration in silica sand using digital image correlation
MI Arshad, FS Tehrani, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Géotechnique 64 (7), 551-569, 2014
Effect of surface roughness on the shaft resistance of non-displacement piles embedded in sand
FS Tehrani, F Han, R Salgado, M Prezzi, RD Tovar, AG Castro
Géotechnique 66 (5), 386-400, 2016
A continuum-based model for analysis of laterally loaded piles in layered soils
D Basu, R Salgado, M Prezzi
Geotechnique 59 (2), 127-140, 2009
Reliability approach to service life prediction of concrete exposed to marine environments
M Prezzi, P Geyskens, PJM Monteiro
Materials Journal 93 (6), 544-552, 1996
Geotechnical properties of fresh and aged basic oxygen furnace steel slag
IZ Yildirim, M Prezzi
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 27 (12), 04015046, 2015
Effect of surface roughness on the shaft resistance of displacement model piles in sand
RD Tovar-Valencia, A Galvis-Castro, R Salgado, M Prezzi
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (3), 04017120, 2018
Load-settlement response of rectangular and circular piles in multilayered soil
H Seo, D Basu, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (3), 420-430, 2009
A new slurry-based method of preparation of specimens of sand containing fines
JAH Carraro, M Prezzi
Geotechnical Testing Journal 31 (1), 1-11, 2008
Experimental investigation of the combined load response of model piles driven in sand
J Lee, M Prezzi, R Salgado
Geotechnical Testing Journal 34 (6), 653-667, 2011
Shaft resistance and setup factors for piles jacked in clay
P Basu, M Prezzi, R Salgado, T Chakraborty
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (3), 04013026, 2014
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Articles 1–20