Andrey Radostin
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Cited by
Wave processes in media with hysteretic nonlinearity. Part I
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin, LA Ostrovsky, IA Soustova
Acoustical Physics 49, 344-353, 2003
Nonlinear acoustic waves in micro-inhomogeneous solids
V Nazarov, A Radostin
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Propagation of nonlinear acoustic waves in bimodular media with linear dissipation
A Radostin, V Nazarov, S Kiyashko
Wave Motion 50 (2), 191-196, 2013
Effect of an intense sound wave on the acoustic properties of a sandstone bar resonator. Experiment
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin, IA Soustova
Acoustical Physics 48, 76-80, 2002
Extracting real-crack properties from non-linear elastic behaviour of rocks: abundance of cracks with dominating normal compliance and rocks with negative Poisson ratios
VY Zaitsev, AV Radostin, E Pasternak, A Dyskin
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 24 (3), 543-551, 2017
Wave processes in media with hysteretic nonlinearity: Part 2
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin, LA Ostrovsky, IA Soustova
Acoustical Physics 49, 444-448, 2003
Extracting shear and normal compliances of crack-like defects from pressure dependences of elastic-wave velocities
VY Zaitsev, AV Radostin, E Pasternak, A Dyskin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 97, 122-133, 2017
Experimental study of nonlinear acoustical effects in limestone
VE Nazarov, AB Kolpakov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 53, 217-225, 2007
Experimental study of the effects of amplitude-dependent internal friction in a sandstone bar resonator
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 50 (4), 446-453, 2004
Stationary waves in a bimodular rod of finite radius
VE Nazarov, SB Kiyashko, AV Radostin
Wave Motion 75, 72-76, 2017
The wave processes in micro-inhomogeneous media with different-modulus nonlinearity and relaxation
VE Nazarov, SB Kiyashko, AV Radostin
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 59 (3), 246-256, 2016
Amplitude dependent internal friction and generation of harmonics in granite resonator
VE Nazarov, AB Kolpakov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 55, 100-107, 2009
Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved
MM Nazarov, SB Kiyashko, AV Radostin
Radiofiz. 52, 595, 2009
Wave processes in microinhomogeneous elastic media with hysteretic nonlinearity and relaxation
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 51 (2), 230-235, 2005
Evolution of Acoustic Waves in Homogeneous Media with Different-Modulus Nonlinearity and Relaxation.
V Nazarov, S Kiyashko, A Radostin
Radiophysics & Quantum Electronics 58 (10), 2016
Self-similar acoustic waves in homogeneous media with different-modulus nonlinearity and relaxation
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin, SB Kiyashko
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 58 (2), 124, 2015
Acoustic pulses in media with power law hysteretic nonlinearity
A Radostin
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 104 (3), 410-416, 2018
Propagation of acoustic unipolar pulses and periodic waves in media with quadratic hysteretic nonlinearity and linear viscous dissipation
A Radostin, V Nazarov, S Kiyashko
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 52, 44-51, 2017
Amplitude modulation of sound by sound in water-saturated river sand
VE Nazarov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 57, 616-619, 2011
Self-action of ultrasonic pulses in a marble rod
VE Nazarov, AB Kolpakov, AV Radostin
Acoustical Physics 56 (5), 632-636, 2010
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Articles 1–20