Ben London
Cited by
Cited by
Query-driven active surveying for collective classification
G Namata, B London, L Getoor, B Huang, U Edu
10th international workshop on mining and learning with graphs 8, 1, 2012
Hinge-loss Markov random fields: Convex inference for structured prediction
S Bach, B Huang, B London, L Getoor
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.6813, 2013
A PAC-Bayesian analysis of randomized learning with application to stochastic gradient descent
B London
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
Collective graph identification
GM Namata, B London, L Getoor
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 10 (3), 1-36, 2016
Stability and generalization in structured prediction
B London, B Huang, L Getoor
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (221), 1-52, 2016
Sustainability at scale: towards bridging the intention-behavior gap with sustainable recommendations
S Tomkins, S Isley, B London, L Getoor
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on recommender systems, 214-218, 2018
Collective Classification of Network Data.
B London, L Getoor
Data Classification: Algorithms and Applications 399, 2014
Collective stability in structured prediction: Generalization from one example
B London, B Huang, B Taskar, L Getoor
International Conference on Machine Learning, 828-836, 2013
Bayesian counterfactual risk minimization
B London, T Sandler
International Conference on Machine Learning, 4125-4133, 2019
Collective activity detection using hinge-loss Markov random fields
B London, S Khamis, S Bach, B Huang, L Getoor, L Davis
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
PAC-Bayesian collective stability
B London, B Huang, B Taskar, L Getoor
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 585-594, 2014
Multi-relational learning using weighted tensor decomposition with modular loss
B London, T Rekatsinas, B Huang, L Getoor
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.1733, 2013
Recommendations as treatments
T Joachims, B London, Y Su, A Swaminathan, L Wang
AI Magazine 42 (3), 19-30, 2021
Reducing label cost by combining feature labels and crowdsourcing
J Pujara, B London, L Getoor
ICML workshop on Combining learning strategies to reduce label cost, 2011
Budgeted Online Collective Inference.
J Pujara, B London, L Getoor
UAI, 712-721, 2015
Improved generalization bounds for large-scale structured prediction
B London, B Huang, L Getoor
NIPS workshop on algorithmic and statistical approaches for large social …, 2012
Generalization bounds for randomized learning with application to stochastic gradient descent
B London
The benefits of learning with strongly convex approximate inference
B London, B Huang, L Getoor
International Conference on Machine Learning, 410-418, 2015
Online inference for knowledge graph construction
J Pujara, B London, L Getoor, WW Cohen
Workshop on statistical relational AI, 2015
Tutorials at the web conference 2023
V Fionda, O Hartig, R Abdolazimi, S Amer-Yahia, H Chen, X Chen, P Cui, ...
Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 648-658, 2023
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Articles 1–20