Costas Panagopoulos
Costas Panagopoulos
Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Northeastern University
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Congressional elections: Campaigning at home and in Washington
PS Herrnson, C Panagopoulos, KL Bailey
Cq Press, 2019
The polls-trends: Arab and Muslim Americans and Islam in the aftermath of 9/11
C Panagopoulos
Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (4), 608-624, 2006
The polls-trends: Arab and Muslim Americans and Islam in the aftermath of 9/11
C Panagopoulos
International Journal of Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (4), 608-624, 2006
Political polarization on COVID-19 pandemic response in the United States
J Kerr, C Panagopoulos, S Van Der Linden
Personality and individual differences 179, 110892, 2021
Affect, social pressure and prosocial motivation: Field experimental evidence of the mobilizing effects of pride, shame and publicizing voting behavior
C Panagopoulos
Political Behavior 32, 369-386, 2010
The paranoid style in American politics revisited: An ideological asymmetry in conspiratorial thinking
S Van der Linden, C Panagopoulos, F Azevedo, JT Jost
Political Psychology 42 (1), 23-51, 2021
You are fake news: political bias in perceptions of fake news
S Van der Linden, C Panagopoulos, J Roozenbeek
Media, culture & society 42 (3), 460-470, 2020
Ideological asymmetries in conformity, desire for shared reality, and the spread of misinformation
JT Jost, S van der Linden, C Panagopoulos, CD Hardin
Current opinion in psychology 23, 77-83, 2018
Reasoning about interference between units: A general framework
J Bowers, MM Fredrickson, C Panagopoulos
Political Analysis 21 (1), 97-124, 2013
Grassroots mobilization and voter turnout in 2004
DE Bergan, AS Gerber, DP Green, C Panagopoulos
Public Opinion Quarterly 69 (5), 760-777, 2005
Thank you for voting: Gratitude expression and voter mobilization
C Panagopoulos
The Journal of Politics 73 (3), 707-717, 2011
The calculus of voting in compulsory voting systems
C Panagopoulos
Political Behavior 30, 455-467, 2008
Big five personality traits and responses to persuasive appeals: Results from voter turnout experiments
AS Gerber, GA Huber, D Doherty, CM Dowling, C Panagopoulos
Political Behavior 35, 687-728, 2013
Field experiments testing the impact of radio advertisements on electoral competition
C Panagopoulos, DP Green
American Journal of Political Science 52 (1), 156-168, 2008
The enduring effects of social pressure: Tracking campaign experiments over a series of elections
TC Davenport, AS Gerber, DP Green, CW Larimer, CB Mann, ...
Political Behavior 32, 423-430, 2010
Politicking online: The transformation of election campaign communications
C Panagopoulos, V Gueorguieva, A Slotnick, G Gulati, C Williams
Rutgers University Press, 2009
Boycotts, buycotts, and political consumerism in America
K Endres, C Panagopoulos
Research & Politics 4 (4), 2053168017738632, 2017
Does language matter? The impact of Spanish versus English-language GOTV efforts on Latino turnout
M Abrajano, C Panagopoulos
American Politics Research 39 (4), 643-663, 2011
Likely (and unlikely) voters and the assessment of campaign dynamics
RS Erikson, C Panagopoulos, C Wlezien
Public Opinion Quarterly 68 (4), 588-601, 2004
Spanish-language radio advertisements and Latino voter turnout in the 2006 congressional elections: Field experimental evidence
C Panagopoulos, DP Green
Political Research Quarterly 64 (3), 588-599, 2011
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Articles 1–20