Kishor Jaiswal
Kishor Jaiswal
Other namesKishor S. Jaiswal
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The 2018 update of the US National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview of model and implications
MD Petersen, AM Shumway, PM Powers, CS Mueller, MP Moschetti, ...
Earthquake Spectra 36 (1), 5-41, 2020
GEM building taxonomy (Version 2.0)
S Brzev, C Scawthorn, AW Charleson, L Allen, M Greene, K Jaiswal, ...
GEM Technical Report, 2013
Creating a global building inventory for earthquake loss assessment and risk management
K Jaiswal, DJ Wald
Open-File Report, 2008
Development of a global seismic risk model
V Silva, D Amo-Oduro, A Calderon, C Costa, J Dabbeek, V Despotaki, ...
Earthquake Spectra 36 (1_suppl), 372-394, 2020
An empirical model for global earthquake fatality estimation
K Jaiswal, D Wald
Earthquake Spectra 26 (4), 1017-1037, 2010
Developing empirical collapse fragility functions for global building types
K Jaiswal, D Wald, D D'Ayala
Earthquake Spectra 27 (3), 775-795, 2011
A global building inventory for earthquake loss estimation and risk management
K Jaiswal, D Wald, K Porter
Earthquake Spectra 26 (3), 731-748, 2010
Probabilistic seismic-hazard estimation for peninsular India
K Jaiswal, R Sinha
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (1B), 318-330, 2007
Earthquake casualty models within the USGS Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) system
KS Jaiswal, DJ Wald, PS Earle, KA Porter, M Hearne
Human casualties in earthquakes: progress in modelling and mitigation, 83-94, 2010
Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER): A system for rapidly determining the impact of earthquakes worldwide
PS Earle, DJ Wald, KS Jaiswal, TI Allen, MG Hearne, KD Marano, ...
US Geological Survey Open-File Report 1131 (2009), 15, 2009
Rapid Characterization of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake Sequence and Its Seismotectonic Context
GP Hayes, RW Briggs, WD Barnhart, WL Yeck, DE McNamara, DJ Wald, ...
Seismological Research Letters 86 (6), 1557-1567, 2015
Seismic hazard, risk, and design for South America
MD Petersen, SC Harmsen, KS Jaiswal, KS Rukstales, N Luco, KM Haller, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (2), 781-800, 2018
Estimating casualties for large earthquakes worldwide using an empirical approach
K Jaiswal, DJ Wald, M Hearne
US Geological Survey, 2009
Development of the US Geological Survey’s PAGER system (prompt assessment of global earthquakes for response)
DJ Wald, PS Earle, TI Allen, K Jaiswal, K Porter, M Hearne
Proceedings of the 14th world conference on earthquake engineering, Beijing …, 2008
PAGER--Rapid assessment of an earthquakes impact
DJ Wald, K Jaiswal, KD Marano, D Bausch, M Hearne
Fact Sheet, 2010
Estimating economic losses from earthquakes using an empirical approach
K Jaiswal, DJ Wald
Earthquake Spectra 29 (1), 309-324, 2013
Global earthquake model (GEM) seismic risk map (version 2018.1)
V Silva, D Amo-Oduro, A Calderon, J Dabbeek, V Despotaki, L Martins, ...
Spatial aspects of building and population exposure data and their implications for global earthquake exposure modeling
F Dell’Acqua, P Gamba, K Jaiswal
Natural hazards 68, 1291-1309, 2013
Use of expert judgment elicitation to estimate seismic vulnerability of selected building types
KS Jaiswal, W Aspinall, D Perkins, D Wald, KA Porter
Proc 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1-10, 2012
Development of a semi-empirical loss model within the USGS Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) System
KS Jaiswal, DJ Wald
Proceedings of the 9th US and 10th Canadian conference on earthquake …, 2010
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Articles 1–20