Deirdre E. Hart
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Cited by
Evaluating the wind pollination benefits of mast seeding
D Kelly, DE Hart, RB Allen
Ecology 82 (1), 117-126, 2001
Spatial and temporal variations in wave characteristics across a reef platform, Warraber Island, Torres Strait, Australia
RW Brander, PS Kench, D Hart
Marine Geology 207 (1-4), 169-184, 2004
Incremental accretion of a sandy reef island over the past 3000 years indicated by component‐specific radiocarbon dating
CD Woodroffe, B Samosorn, Q Hua, DE Hart
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (3), 2007
The sinking city: Earthquakes increase flood hazard in Christchurch, New Zealand
MW Hughes, MC Quigley, S Van Ballegooy, BL Deam, BA Bradley, ...
GSA Today 25 (3), 4-10, 2015
Carbonate production of an emergent reef platform, Warraber Island, Torres Strait, Australia
DE Hart, PS Kench
Coral Reefs 26, 53-68, 2007
A classification of New Zealand's coastal hydrosystems
T Hume, P Gerbeaux, DE Hart, H Kettles, D Neale
Ministry for the Environment, 2016
River-mouth lagoon dynamics on mixed sand and gravel barrier coasts
DE Hart
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 927-931, 2024
Tidal current energy resources off the south and west coasts of Korea: Preliminary observation-derived estimates
DS Byun, DE Hart, WJ Jeong
Energies 6 (2), 566-578, 2013
New Zealand coastal system boundaries, connections and management
DE Hart, KR Bryan
New Zealand Geographer 64 (2), 129-143, 2008
Multi‐decadal coastal change in New Zealand: Evidence, mechanisms and implications
KR Bryan, PS Kench, DE Hart
New Zealand Geographer 64 (2), 117-128, 2008
Disaster gold rushes, sophisms and academic neocolonialism: comments on ‘Earthquake disasters and resilience in the global N orth’
C Gomez, DE Hart
The Geographical Journal 179 (3), 272-277, 2013
Geographic information system assessment of tsunami vulnerability on a dune coast
DE Hart, GA Knight
Journal of Coastal Research 25 (1), 131-141, 2009
Morphodynamics of non-estuarine rivermouth lagoons on high-energy coasts
DE Hart
Journal of Coastal Research 56 (2), 1355-1359, 2009
Journeying from “I” to “we”: assembling hybrid caring collectives of geography doctoral scholars
K Dombroski, AF Watkins, H Fitt, J Frater, K Banwell, K Mackenzie, ...
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 42 (1), 80-93, 2018
Application of UAV techniques to expand beach research possibilities: A case study of coarse clastic beach cusps
SJ Pitman, DE Hart, MH Katurji
Continental Shelf Research 184, 44-53, 2019
Assessing topographic controls on flow direction in washover deposits using measurements of Magnetic Fabric
CL Kain, C Gomez, DE Hart, P Wassmer, J Goff, C Starheim
Marine Geology 350, 16-26, 2014
Coastal systems
DE Hart, ID Marsden, M Francis
The natural history of Canterbury. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, 2008
Beachgoers' ability to identify rip currents at a beach in situ
SJ Pitman, K Thompson, DE Hart, K Moran, SL Gallop, RW Brander, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 21 (1), 115-128, 2021
Determining flow patterns and emplacement dynamics from tsunami deposits with no visible sedimentary structure
C Kain, P Wassmer, J Goff, C Chagué‐Goff, C Gomez, D Hart, D Fierro, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (5), 763-780, 2017
A monthly tidal envelope classification for semidiurnal regimes in terms of the relative proportions of the , , and constituents
DS Byun, DE Hart
Ocean Science 16 (4), 965-977, 2020
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Articles 1–20