Rita Stagni
Rita Stagni
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Quantification of soft tissue artefact in motion analysis by combining 3D fluoroscopy and stereophotogrammetry: a study on two subjects
R Stagni, S Fantozzi, A Cappello, A Leardini
Clinical biomechanics 20 (3), 320-329, 2005
Effects of hip joint centre mislocation on gait analysis results
R Stagni, A Leardini, A Cappozzo, MG Benedetti, A Cappello
Journal of biomechanics 33 (11), 1479-1487, 2000
Analysis of the performance of 17 algorithms from a systematic review: Influence of sensor position, analysed variable and computational approach in gait timing estimation from …
GP Panebianco, MC Bisi, R Stagni, S Fantozzi
Gait & posture 66, 76-82, 2018
Are subject-specific musculoskeletal models robust to the uncertainties in parameter identification?
G Valente, L Pitto, D Testi, A Seth, SL Delp, R Stagni, M Viceconti, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e112625, 2014
Mobility of the subtalar joint in the intact ankle complex
A Leardini, R Stagni, JJ O’Connor
Journal of biomechanics 34 (6), 805-809, 2001
Estimating fall risk with inertial sensors using gait stability measures that do not require step detection
F Riva, MJP Toebes, M Pijnappels, R Stagni, JH Van Dieën
Gait & posture 38 (2), 170-174, 2013
Gait variability and stability measures: Minimum number of strides and within-session reliability
F Riva, MC Bisi, R Stagni
Computers in biology and medicine 50, 9-13, 2014
Soft tissue artifact compensation in knee kinematics by double anatomical landmark calibration: performance of a novel method during selected motor tasks
A Cappello, R Stagni, S Fantozzi, A Leardini
IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering 52 (6), 992-998, 2005
Standardization proposal of soft tissue artefact description for data sharing in human motion measurements
A Cereatti, T Bonci, M Akbarshahi, K Aminian, A Barré, M Begon, ...
Journal of biomechanics 62, 5-13, 2017
SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference
MG Benedetti, E Beghi, A De Tanti, A Cappozzo, N Basaglia, AG Cutti, ...
Gait & posture 58, 252-260, 2017
Complexity of human gait pattern at different ages assessed using multiscale entropy: from development to decline
MC Bisi, R Stagni
Gait & posture 47, 37-42, 2016
Moving from laboratory to real life conditions: Influence on the assessment of variability and stability of gait
P Tamburini, F Storm, C Buckley, MC Bisi, R Stagni, C Mazzà
Gait & posture 59, 248-252, 2018
Methodological factors affecting joint moments estimation in clinical gait analysis: a systematic review
V Camomilla, A Cereatti, AG Cutti, S Fantozzi, R Stagni, G Vannozzi
Biomedical engineering online 16, 1-27, 2017
Measures of gait stability: performance on adults and toddlers at the beginning of independent walking
MC Bisi, F Riva, R Stagni
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 11, 1-9, 2014
Tendon and ligament fibrillar crimps give rise to left‐handed helices of collagen fibrils in both planar and helical crimps
M Franchi, V Ottani, R Stagni, A Ruggeri
Journal of anatomy 216 (3), 301-309, 2010
Role of passive structures in the mobility and stability of the human subtalar joint: a literature review
R Stagni, A Leardini, JJ O'Connor, S Giannini
Foot & ankle international 24 (5), 402-409, 2003
Ankle morphometry evaluated using a new semi-automated technique based on X-ray pictures
R Stagni, A Leardini, A Ensini, A Cappello
Clinical biomechanics 20 (3), 307-311, 2005
The impact of COVID-19 on physical activity behaviour in Italian primary school children: a comparison before and during pandemic considering gender differences
L Dallolio, S Marini, A Masini, S Toselli, R Stagni, MC Bisi, D Gori, ...
BMC public health 22 (1), 52, 2022
Objective assessment of movement competence in children using wearable sensors: An instrumented version of the TGMD-2 locomotor subtest
MC Bisi, GP Panebianco, R Polman, R Stagni
Gait & Posture 56, 42-48, 2017
Development of gait motor control: what happens after a sudden increase in height during adolescence?
MC Bisi, R Stagni
Biomedical engineering online 15, 1-12, 2016
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Articles 1–20