Charlotte Wainwright
Charlotte Wainwright
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance
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Cited by
Declines in an abundant aquatic insect, the burrowing mayfly, across major North American waterways
PM Stepanian, SA Entrekin, CE Wainwright, D Mirkovic, JL Tank, JF Kelly
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2987-2992, 2020
Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network
C Nilsson, AM Dokter, L Verlinden, J Shamoun‐Baranes, B Schmid, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 876-886, 2019
C-FOG: life of coastal fog
HJS Fernando, I Gultepe, C Dorman, E Pardyjak, Q Wang, SW Hoch, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (2), E244-E272, 2021
Ongoing changes in migration phenology and winter residency at Bracken Bat Cave
PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright
Global change biology 24 (7), 3266-3275, 2018
The movement of small insects in the convective boundary layer: linking patterns to processes
CE Wainwright, PM Stepanian, DR Reynolds, AM Reynolds
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5438, 2017
Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar
P Becciu, MHM Menz, A Aurbach, SA Cabrera‐Cruz, CE Wainwright, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 942-955, 2019
LABLE: A multi-institutional, student-led, atmospheric boundary layer experiment
P Klein, TA Bonin, JF Newman, DD Turner, PB Chilson, CE Wainwright, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (10), 1743-1764, 2015
Diagnosing the intercept parameters of the exponential drop size distributions in a single-moment microphysics scheme and impact on supercell storm simulations
CE Wainwright, DT Dawson, M Xue, G Zhang
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53 (8), 2072-2090, 2014
The role of the US Great Plains low-level jet in nocturnal migrant behavior
CE Wainwright, PM Stepanian, KG Horton
International Journal of Biometeorology 60, 1531-1542, 2016
Extending bioacoustic monitoring of birds aloft through flight call localization with a three‐dimensional microphone array
PM Stepanian, KG Horton, DC Hille, CE Wainwright, PB Chilson, JF Kelly
Ecology and Evolution 6 (19), 7039-7046, 2016
Methods for evaluating the temperature structure-function parameter using unmanned aerial systems and large-eddy simulation
CE Wainwright, TA Bonin, PB Chilson, JA Gibbs, E Fedorovich, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 155, 189-208, 2015
Influence of atmospheric properties on detection of wood-warbler nocturnal flight calls
KG Horton, PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright, AK Tegeler
International Journal of Biometeorology 59, 1385-1394, 2015
Measurements of the temperature structure-function parameters with a small unmanned aerial system compared with a sodar
TA Bonin, DC Goines, AK Scott, CE Wainwright, JA Gibbs, PB Chilson
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 155, 417-434, 2015
Potential low bias in high-wind drag coefficient inferred from dropsonde data in hurricanes
DH Richter, C Wainwright, DP Stern, GH Bryan, D Chavas
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 78 (7), 2339-2352, 2021
Phenology of the Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella) in the UK and Provision of Decision Support for Brassica Growers
C Wainwright, S Jenkins, D Wilson, M Elliott, A Jukes, R Collier
Insects 11 (2), 118, 2020
Characterizing animal anatomy and internal composition for electromagnetic modelling in radar entomology
D Mirkovic, PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright, DR Reynolds, MHM Menz
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5 (2), 169-179, 2019
A Lagrangian cloud model for the study of marine fog
DH Richter, T MacMillan, C Wainwright
Boundary-layer meteorology, 1-20, 2021
Climatic drivers of (changes in) bat migration phenology at Bracken Cave (USA)
B Haest, PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright, F Liechti, S Bauer
Global Change Biology 27 (4), 768-780, 2021
A time series sodar simulator based on large-eddy simulation
CE Wainwright, PM Stepanian, PB Chilson, RD Palmer, E Fedorovich, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31 (4), 876-889, 2014
Study of stratus-lowering marine-fog events observed during C-FOG
S Wagh, R Krishnamurthy, C Wainwright, S Wang, CE Dorman, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 181, 317-344, 2021
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