John Parsons
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Cited by
An adaptive wearable parallel robot for the treatment of ankle injuries
PK Jamwal, SQ Xie, S Hussain, JG Parsons
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 19 (1), 64-75, 2012
What are the barriers and facilitators to goal-setting during rehabilitation for stroke and other acquired brain injuries? A systematic review and meta-synthesis
SE Plant, SF Tyson, S Kirk, J Parsons
Clinical rehabilitation 30 (9), 921-930, 2016
Does a functional activity programme improve function, quality of life, and falls for residents in long term care? Cluster randomised controlled trial
N Kerse, K Peri, E Robinson, T Wilkinson, M von Randow, L Kiata, ...
BMj 337, 2008
Does functionally based activity make a difference to health status and mobility? A randomised controlled trial in residential care facilities (The Promoting Independent Living …
K Peri, N Kerse, E Robinson, M Parsons, J Parsons, N Latham
Age and ageing 37 (1), 57-63, 2008
Home-based activity program for older people with depressive symptoms: DeLLITE–a randomized controlled trial
N Kerse, KJ Hayman, SA Moyes, K Peri, E Robinson, A Dowell, GS Kolt, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 8 (3), 214-223, 2010
Goal setting as a feature of homecare services for older people: does it make a difference?
J Parsons, P Rouse, EM Robinson, N Sheridan, MJ Connolly
Age and ageing 41 (1), 24-29, 2012
A randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of a model of restorative home care on physical function and social support among older people
JGM Parsons, N Sheridan, P Rouse, E Robinson, M Connolly
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 94 (6), 1015-1022, 2013
Prescribed exercise with compression vs compression alone in treating patients with venous leg ulcers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Jull, J Slark, J Parsons
JAMA dermatology 154 (11), 1304-1311, 2018
An intrinsically compliant robotic orthosis for treadmill training
S Hussain, SQ Xie, PK Jamwal, J Parsons
Medical engineering & physics 34 (10), 1448-1453, 2012
A qualitative study of nurses’ clinical experience in recognising low mood and depression in older patients with multiple long‐term conditions
S Waterworth, B Arroll, D Raphael, J Parsons, M Gott
Journal of clinical nursing 24 (17-18), 2562-2570, 2015
What is important to older people with multimorbidity and their caregivers? Identifying attributes of person centered care from the user perspective
K Kuluski, A Peckham, A Gill, D Gagnon, C Wong-Cornall, A McKillop, ...
International journal of integrated care 19 (3), 2019
The providers’ profile of the disability support workforce in New Zealand
D Jorgensen, M Parsons, MG Reid, K Weidenbohm, J Parsons, S Jacobs
Health & Social Care in the Community 17 (4), 396-405, 2009
Implementing community based primary healthcare for older adults with complex needs in Quebec, Ontario and New-Zealand: describing nine cases
M Breton, CS Gray, N Sheridan, J Shaw, J Parsons, P Wankah, T Kenealy, ...
International journal of integrated care 17 (2), 2017
The effect of hydrotherapy treatment on gait characteristics of hereditary spastic paraparesis patients
Y Zhang, R Roxburgh, L Huang, J Parsons, TC Davies
Gait & posture 39 (4), 1074-1079, 2014
The effect of a designated tool on person‐centred goal identification and service planning among older people receiving homecare in New Zealand
JGM Parsons, MJG Parsons
Health & social care in the community 20 (6), 653-662, 2012
How active are patients in setting goals during rehabilitation after stroke? A qualitative study of clinician perceptions
JGM Parsons, SE Plant, J Slark, SF Tyson
Disability and rehabilitation 40 (3), 309-316, 2018
“You’ve got to look after yourself, to be able to look after them” a qualitative study of the unmet needs of caregivers of community based primary health care patients
K Kuluski, A Peckham, A Gill, J Arneja, F Morton-Chang, J Parsons, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-11, 2018
Assessment without action; a randomised evaluation of the interRAI home care compared to a national assessment tool on identification of needs and service …
M Parsons, H Senior, X Mei‐Hu Chen, S Jacobs, J Parsons, N Sheridan, ...
Health & social care in the community 21 (5), 536-544, 2013
Keeping older people safe by preventing elder abuse and neglect
K Peri, J Fanslow, J Hand, J Parsons
Does vibration training reduce the fall risk profile of frail older people admitted to a rehabilitation facility? A randomised controlled trial
J Parsons, S Mathieson, A Jull, M Parsons
Disability and rehabilitation 38 (11), 1082-1088, 2016
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Articles 1–20