Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller
Professor, Kinesiology, Auburn University
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Cited by
A novel approach to the physiological measurement of mental workload
MW Miller, JC Rietschel, CG McDonald, BD Hatfield
International Journal of Psychophysiology 80 (1), 75-78, 2011
Acute exercise enhances preschoolers’ ability to sustain attention
KK Palmer, MW Miller, LE Robinson
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (4), 433-437, 2013
Why self-controlled feedback enhances motor learning: Answers from electroencephalography and indices of motivation
KF Grand, AT Bruzi, FB Dyke, MM Godwin, AM Leiker, AG Thompson, ...
Human Movement Science 43, 23-32, 2015
The effects of reward magnitude on reward processing: An averaged and single trial event-related potential study
CC Meadows, PA Gable, KR Lohse, MW Miller
Biological Psychology 118, 154-160, 2016
Measurement of attentional reserve and mental effort for cognitive workload assessment under various task demands during dual-task walking
EP Shaw, JC Rietschel, BD Hendershot, AL Pruziner, MW Miller, ...
Biological psychology 134, 39-51, 2018
Underpowered and overworked: Problems with data analysis in motor learning studies
K Lohse, T Buchanan, M Miller
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 4 (1), 37-58, 2016
Moving sport and exercise science forward: a call for the adoption of more transparent research practices
AR Caldwell, AD Vigotsky, MS Tenan, R Radel, DT Mellor, A Kreutzer, ...
Sports Medicine 50 (3), 449-459, 2020
Cerebral-cortical networking and activation increase as a function of cognitive-motor task difficulty
JC Rietschel, MW Miller, RJ Gentili, RN Goodman, CG McDonald, ...
Biological psychology 90 (2), 127-133, 2012
Cognitive resources moderate the adverse impact of poor perceived neighborhood conditions on self-reported physical activity of older adults
B Cheval, AL Rebar, MW Miller, S Sieber, D Orsholits, G Baranyi, ...
Preventive Medicine 126, 105741, 2019
The effects of autonomous difficulty selection on engagement, motivation, and learning in a motion-controlled video game task
AM Leiker, AT Bruzi, MW Miller, M Nelson, R Wegman, KR Lohse
Human movement science 49, 326-335, 2016
Changes in mental workload and motor performance throughout multiple practice sessions under various levels of task difficulty
KJ Jaquess, LC Lo, H Oh, C Lu, A Ginsberg, YY Tan, KR Lohse, ...
Neuroscience 393, 305-318, 2018
Brain biomarkers based assessment of cognitive workload in pilots under various task demands
RJ Gentili, JC Rietschel, KJ Jaquess, LC Lo, CM Prevost, MW Miller, ...
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Investigating the mechanisms underlying the effects of an incidental choice on motor learning
KF Grand, M Daou, KR Lohse, MW Miller
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 5 (2), 207-226, 2017
Higher inhibitory control is required to escape the innate attraction to effort minimization
B Cheval, M Daou, DAR Cabral, MFB Bacelar, JO Parma, C Forestier, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 51, 101781, 2020
Adverse childhood experiences, depressive symptoms, functional dependence, and physical activity: A moderated mediation model
MP Boisgontier, D Orsholits, M von Arx, S Sieber, MW Miller, ...
Journal of physical activity and health 17 (8), 790-799, 2020
Empirical evidence for the relationship between cognitive workload and attentional reserve
KJ Jaquess, RJ Gentili, LC Lo, H Oh, J Zhang, JC Rietschel, MW Miller, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 121, 46-55, 2017
Exploring the reliability and sensitivity of the EEG power spectrum as a biomarker
A Pathania, M Schreiber, MW Miller, MJ Euler, KR Lohse
International Journal of Psychophysiology 160, 18-27, 2021
The relationship between engagement and neurophysiological measures of attention in motion-controlled video games: a randomized controlled trial
AM Leiker, M Miller, L Brewer, M Nelson, M Siow, K Lohse
JMIR serious games 4 (1), e5460, 2016
Combined assessment of attentional reserve and cognitive‐motor effort under various levels of challenge with a dry EEG system
RJ Gentili, KJ Jaquess, IM Shuggi, EP Shaw, H Oh, LC Lo, YY Tan, ...
Psychophysiology 55 (6), e13059, 2018
The efficacy of auditory probes in indexing cognitive workload is dependent on stimulus complexity
FB Dyke, AM Leiker, KF Grand, MM Godwin, AG Thompson, JC Rietschel, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 95 (1), 56-62, 2015
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Articles 1–20