Wendy S. Slutske
Wendy S. Slutske
University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
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Cited by
Genetic and environmental contributions to alcohol dependence risk in a national twin sample: consistency of findings in women and men
AC Heath, KK Bucholz, PAF Madden, SH Dinwiddie, WS Slutske, ...
Psychological medicine 27 (6), 1381-1396, 1997
Escalation of drug use in early-onset cannabis users vs co-twin controls
MT Lynskey, AC Heath, KK Bucholz, WS Slutske, PAF Madden, ...
Jama 289 (4), 427-433, 2003
Alcohol use disorders among US college students and their non–college-attending peers
WS Slutske
Archives of general psychiatry 62 (3), 321-327, 2005
Natural recovery and treatment-seeking in pathological gambling: Results of two US national surveys
WS Slutske
American Journal of Psychiatry 163 (2), 297-302, 2006
Suicidal behaviour: an epidemiological and genetic study
DJ Statham, AC Heath, PAF Madden, KK Bucholz, L Bierut, SH Dinwiddie, ...
Psychological medicine 28 (4), 839-855, 1998
Research review: DSM‐V conduct disorder: Research needs for an evidence base
TE Moffitt, in alphabetical order, L Arseneault, SR Jaffee, J Kim‐Cohen, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49 (1), 3-33, 2008
Common genetic vulnerability for pathological gambling and alcohol dependence in men
WS Slutske, S Eisen, WR True, MJ Lyons, J Goldberg, M Tsuang
Archives of general psychiatry 57 (7), 666-673, 2000
Early sexual abuse and lifetime psychopathology: a co-twin–control study
S Dinwiddie, AC Heath, MP Dunne, KK Bucholz, PAF Madden, ...
Psychological medicine 30 (1), 41-52, 2000
Is it important to prevent early exposure to drugs and alcohol among adolescents?
CL Odgers, A Caspi, DS Nagin, AR Piquero, WS Slutske, BJ Milne, ...
Psychological science 19 (10), 1037-1044, 2008
Latent class and factor analysis of DSM-IV ADHD: a twin study of female adolescents
JJ Hudziak, AC Heath, PF Madden, W Reich, KK Bucholz, W Slutske, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 37 (8), 848-857, 1998
Common genetic risk factors for conduct disorder and alcohol dependence.
WS Slutske, AC Heath, SH Dinwiddie, PAF Madden, KK Bucholz, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 107 (3), 363, 1998
Genetic influences on handedness: data from 25,732 Australian and Dutch twin families
SE Medland, DL Duffy, MJ Wright, GM Geffen, DA Hay, F Levy, ...
Neuropsychologia 47 (2), 330-337, 2009
The natural history of problem gambling from age 18 to 29.
WS Slutske, KM Jackson, KJ Sher
Journal of abnormal psychology 112 (2), 263, 2003
Personality and problem gambling: A prospective study of a birth cohort of young adults
WS Slutske, A Caspi, TE Moffitt, R Poulton
Archives of general psychiatry 62 (7), 769-775, 2005
Modeling genetic and environmental influences in the etiology of conduct disorder: a study of 2,682 adult twin pairs.
WS Slutske, AC Heath, SH Dinwiddie, PAF Madden, KK Bucholz, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 106 (2), 266, 1997
Do college students drink more than their non-college-attending peers? Evidence from a population-based longitudinal female twin study.
WS Slutske, EE Hunt-Carter, RE Nabors-Oberg, KJ Sher, KK Bucholz, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 113 (4), 530, 2004
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism, and the polygenic association with major depressive disorder
MHM De Moor, SM Van Den Berg, KJH Verweij, RF Krueger, M Luciano, ...
JAMA psychiatry 72 (7), 642-650, 2015
Common variants in the trichohyalin gene are associated with straight hair in Europeans
SE Medland, DR Nyholt, JN Painter, BP McEvoy, AF McRae, G Zhu, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 85 (5), 750-755, 2009
Genetic differences in alcohol sensitivity and the inheritance of alcoholism risk
AC Heath, PAF Madden, KK Bucholz, SH Dinwiddie, WS Slutske, ...
Psychological medicine 29 (5), 1069-1081, 1999
Personality and the genetic risk for alcohol dependence.
WS Slutske, AC Heath, PAF Madden, KK Bucholz, DJ Statham, NG Martin
Journal of abnormal psychology 111 (1), 124, 2002
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Articles 1–20