Monika Gupta
Monika Gupta
LTC, Celonis, Researcher, IBM Research India, PhD, IIIT Delhi
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Cited by
Process mining multiple repositories for software defect resolution from control and organizational perspective
M Gupta, A Sureka, S Padmanabhuni
Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2014
Nirikshan: Mining bug report history for discovering process maps, inefficiencies and inconsistencies
M Gupta, A Sureka
Proceedings of the 7th India Software Engineering Conference, 1-10, 2014
Counterfactual reasoning for process optimization using structural causal models
T Narendra, P Agarwal, M Gupta, S Dechu
Business Process Management Forum: BPM Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria …, 2019
Reducing user input requests to improve IT support ticket resolution process
M Gupta, A Asadullah, S Padmanabhuni, A Serebrenik
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 1664-1703, 2018
A case-study on teaching undergraduate-level software engineering course using inverted-classroom, large-group, real-client and studio-based instruction model
A Sureka, M Gupta, D Sarkar, V Chaudhary
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.0714, 2013
Improving software maintenance using process mining and predictive analytics
M Gupta, A Serebrenik, P Jalote
2017 ieee international conference on software maintenance and evolution …, 2017
Nirikshan: process mining software repositories to identify inefficiencies, imperfections, and enhance existing process capabilities
M Gupta
Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software …, 2014
Runtime monitoring in continuous deployment by differencing execution behavior model
M Gupta, A Mandal, G Dasgupta, A Serebrenik
Service-Oriented Computing: 16th International Conference, ICSOC 2018 …, 2018
Process cube for software defect resolution
M Gupta, A Sureka
2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference 1, 239-246, 2014
Identifying software process management challenges: Survey of practitioners in a large global it company
M Gupta, A Sureka, S Padmanabhuni, AM Asadullah
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 346-356, 2015
Analyzing comments in ticket resolution to capture underlying process interactions
M Gupta, P Agarwal, T Tater, S Dechu, A Serebrenik
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2020 International Workshops …, 2020
Unsupervised contextual state representation for improved business process models
P Agarwal, D Swarup, S Prasannakumar, S Dechu, M Gupta
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2020 International Workshops …, 2020
Provision of natural language response to business process query
Sampath Dechu, Neelamadhav Gantayat, Monika Gupta
US Patent US11100297B2, 2021
Multidimensional Analysis of Reimbursement Process
K Poddar, M Gupta, J Bandlamudi, S Dechu
Mining asynchronous support conversation using attributed directly follows graphing
Sampath Dechu, Monika Gupta, Prerna Agarwal, Renuka Sindhgatta Rajan, Naveen ...
US Patent US20230306204A1, 2023
Generating automation recommendations for ad hoc processes
Monika Gupta, Sampath Dechu, Hussain Jagirdar, Akansha Khanna, Naveen ...
US Patent US20230267396A1, 2023
Adjusting machine learning models based on simulated fairness impact
Pranay Kumar Lohia, Kushal Mukherjee, Rakesh Rameshrao Pimplikar, Monika ...
US Patent US20230177383A1, 2023
Debiasing textual data while preserving information
Tarun Tater, Monika Gupta, Sampath Dechu, Gargi B. Dasgupta
US Patent US20200356625A1, 2020
Complete process trace prediction using multimodal attributes
Sampath Dechu, Monika Gupta, Tarun Tater, Daivik Swarup Swarup Oggu Venkata
US Patent US20200320383A1, 2020
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Articles 1–19