steve green
steve green
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Assessing the extent of decomposition of natural organic materials using solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy
JA Baldock, JM Oades, PN Nelson, TM Skene, A Golchin, P Clarke
Soil Research 35 (5), 1061-1084, 1997
Natural and induced cadmium-accumulation in poplar and willow: Implications for phytoremediation
BH Robinson, TM Mills, D Petit, LE Fung, SR Green, BE Clothier
Plant and soil 227, 301-306, 2000
Theory and practical application of heat pulse to measure sap flow
S Green, B Clothier, B Jardine
Agronomy Journal 95 (6), 1371-1379, 2003
Water use of kiwifruit vines and apple trees by the heat-pulse technique
SR Green, BE Clothier
Journal of Experimental Botany 39 (1), 115-123, 1988
Maintaining low HIV seroprevalence in populations of injecting drug users
DC Des Jarlais, H Hagan, SR Friedman, P Friedmann, D Goldberg, ...
Jama 274 (15), 1226-1231, 1995
Heat-pulse measurements of sap flow in olives for automating irrigation: tests, root flow and diagnostics of water stress
JE Fernández, MJ Palomo, A Dıaz-Espejo, BE Clothier, SR Green, ...
Agricultural Water Management 51 (2), 99-123, 2001
Phytoextraction: an assessment of biogeochemical and economic viability
B Robinson, JE Fernández, P Madejón, T Marañón, JM Murillo, S Green, ...
Plant and soil 249, 117-125, 2003
Preferential flow and transport in soil: progress and prognosis
BE Clothier, SR Green, M Deurer
European Journal of Soil Science 59 (1), 2-13, 2008
A soil change-based methodology for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services from agro-ecosystems: A case study of pastoral agriculture in New Zealand
E Dominati, A Mackay, S Green, M Patterson
Ecological Economics 100, 119-129, 2014
Rootzone processes and the efficient use of irrigation water
BE Clothier, SR Green
Agricultural Water Management 25 (1), 1-12, 1994
The root zone dynamics of water uptake by a mature apple tree
S Green, B Clothier
Plant and Soil 206, 61-77, 1999
Modeling turbulent air flow in a stand of widely-spaced trees
SR Green
PHOENICS J. Comp. Fluid Dyn. and Applic. 5, 294-312, 1992
Root water uptake by kiwifruit vines following partial wetting of the root zone
SR Green, BE Clothier
Plant and soil 173, 317-328, 1995
The use of sap flow measurements for scheduling irrigation in olive, apple and Asian pear trees and in grapevines
JE Fernández, SR Green, HW Caspari, A Diaz-Espejo, MV Cuevas
Plant and Soil 305, 91-104, 2008
Transpiration and root water uptake by olive trees
F Moreno, JE Fernández, BE Clothier, SR Green
Plant and soil 184, 85-96, 1996
Root uptake and transpiration: From measurements and models to sustainable irrigation
SR Green, MB Kirkham, BE Clothier
agricultural water management 86 (1-2), 165-176, 2006
Roots: the big movers of water and chemical in soil
BE Clothier, SR Green
Soil Science 162 (8), 534-543, 1997
Phytoremediation for the management of metal flux in contaminated sites
B Robinson, R Schulin, B Nowack, S Roulier, M Menon, B Clothier, ...
Forest Snow and Landscape Research 80 (2), 221-224, 2006
Phytoremediation: using plants as biopumps to improve degraded environments
B Robinson, S Green, T Mills, B Clothier, M van der Velde, R Laplane, ...
Soil Research 41 (3), 599-611, 2003
Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration adapted to estimate irrigated tree transpiration
AR Pereira, S Green, NAV Nova
Agricultural water management 83 (1-2), 153-161, 2006
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