Enrique Lavernia
Enrique Lavernia
Professor and holder of the M. Katherine Banks Chair Department of Materials Science and Engineering
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Particulate reinforced metal matrix composites—a review
IA Ibrahim, FA Mohamed, EJ Lavernia
Journal of materials science 26, 1137-1156, 1991
Mechanical behavior and strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grain precipitation-strengthened aluminum alloy
K Ma, H Wen, T Hu, TD Topping, D Isheim, DN Seidman, EJ Lavernia, ...
Acta Materialia 62, 141-155, 2014
Directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing: Physical characteristics, defects, challenges and applications
D Svetlizky, M Das, B Zheng, AL Vyatskikh, S Bose, A Bandyopadhyay, ...
Materials Today 49, 271-295, 2021
Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction
Y Zhu, K Ameyama, PM Anderson, IJ Beyerlein, H Gao, HS Kim, ...
Materials Research Letters 9 (1), 1-31, 2021
Synthesis and mechanical behavior of nanostructured materials via cryomilling
DB Witkin, EJ Lavernia
Progress in Materials Science 51 (1), 1-60, 2006
Nanostructural hierarchy increases the strength of aluminium alloys
PV Liddicoat, XZ Liao, Y Zhao, Y Zhu, MY Murashkin, EJ Lavernia, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 63, 2010
Strengthening mechanisms in a high-strength bulk nanostructured Cu–Zn–Al alloy processed via cryomilling and spark plasma sintering
H Wen, TD Topping, D Isheim, DN Seidman, EJ Lavernia
Acta Materialia 61 (8), 2769-2782, 2013
Additive manufacturing of functionally graded materials: A review
C Zhang, F Chen, Z Huang, M Jia, G Chen, Y Ye, Y Lin, W Liu, B Chen, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 764, 138209, 2019
Deformation mechanism in nanocrystalline Al: Partial dislocation slip
XZ Liao, F Zhou, EJ Lavernia, SG Srinivasan, MI Baskes, DW He, YT Zhu
Applied Physics Letters 83 (4), 632-634, 2003
Microstructure and strengthening mechanisms in an FCC structured single-phase nanocrystalline Co25Ni25Fe25Al7. 5Cu17. 5 high-entropy alloy
Z Fu, W Chen, H Wen, D Zhang, Z Chen, B Zheng, Y Zhou, EJ Lavernia
Acta Materialia 107, 59-71, 2016
Spray atomization and deposition
EJ Lavernia, Y Wu
(No Title), 1996
Mechanical behavior and microstructure of a thermally stable bulk nanostructured Al alloy
VL Tellkamp, EJ Lavernia, A Melmed
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 32, 2335-2343, 2001
Processing of molybdenum disilicide
YL Jeng, EJ Lavernia
Journal of Materials Science 29, 2557-2571, 1994
Rapid solidification processing with specific application to aluminium alloys
EJ Lavernia, JD Ayers, TS Srivatsan
International materials reviews 37 (1), 1-44, 1992
Al–Mg alloy engineered with bimodal grain size for high strength and increased ductility
D Witkin, Z Lee, R Rodriguez, S Nutt, E Lavernia
Scripta Materialia 49 (4), 297-302, 2003
Deformation twins in nanocrystalline Al
XZ Liao, F Zhou, EJ Lavernia, DW He, YT Zhu
Applied physics letters 83 (24), 5062-5064, 2003
High tensile ductility and strength in bulk nanostructured nickel
Y Zhao, T Topping, JF Bingert, JJ Thornton, AM Dangelewicz, Y Li, W Liu, ...
Adv. Mater 20 (16), 3028-3033, 2008
The rapid solidification processing of materials: science, principles, technology, advances, and applications
EJ Lavernia, TS Srivatsan
Journal of Materials Science 45, 287-325, 2010
On the analysis of grain size in bulk nanocrystalline materials via X-ray diffraction
Z Zhang, F Zhou, EJ Lavernia
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 1349-1355, 2003
On the applicability of the x-ray diffraction line profile analysis in extracting grain size and microstrain in nanocrystalline materials
HG Jiang, M Rühle, EJ Lavernia
Journal of materials research 14 (2), 549-559, 1999
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Articles 1–20